The Agency Setup section includes basic configuration options applicable to your Penelope database like your agency name, address, defaults, etc. Many of the options in this section are settings you configure when you first set up your Penelope database, but you may revisit these settings occasionally as your needs change. Agency settings are available across the following tabs:
Contact Type
Login Message
Components of the Agency Setup section
Profile Tab
The Profile tab includes configuration settings for basic information about your agency like your name, ID numbers, hours of operation, and closure dates.
General information includes your Agency name, ID numbers, and your fiscal end month.
Contact Information
Contact Information includes your main address (if you have multiple locations, this would typically be your head office), phone number, fax number, email address (typically the general email address for inquiries), and your website. This information appears in the headings of printed reports, invoices, Documents, etc.
You can configure billing Documents to use the Site address and contact information in the header.
Agency Hours of Operation
These are the hours your agency is generally open and they serve as a template for the hours at your Sites. Newly created Sites automatically inherit the hours of operation you set here (which you can modify as needed). The hours of operation act as general guidelines for appointment booking. While you can book appointments outside of the hours of operation, a warning displays.
Agency Closures
These are days your agency closes throughout the year (for example, statutory holidays). The dates you set here are applicable to all Sites (though you can customize specific closure dates on a per-Site basis)
EDI Reference Numbers
(For US-based agencies submitting EDI files to a Funder or Clearinghouse only) EDI Reference Numbers are additional reference numbers required by a Funder or Clearinghouse in EDI submissions.
Setting Tab
The Setting tab includes configuration settings for items like default values, formatting for date and time, general fields (address labels, state/province lists, gender, language etc.), and the ability to enable some additional features.
Agency Logo
You can upload a copy of your logo to include in the headings of printed reports, invoices, Documents, etc.,
Defaults and Formats
The Defaults and Formats settings include options to configure default values for area codes, city, state, country, language as well as the formatting you prefer dates and times appear throughout Penelope. If you set default values, fields where you would input address, phone number, and language information pre-populate with the default value set.
The Settings section includes options to turn modules on or off (like Personal Demographic Information, Billing, and MS Exchange) as well as other basic settings like how many Search Results display per page.
Field Setup
Field Setup includes options to configure how you want Address Labels to appear, the drop-down list values for State/Province, Country, Gender/Sex, Resource Types, Task Cancellation Reasons, and Language.
Agency Service Type
Agency Service Type fields are optional drop-down lists you can configure for your Case and Anonymous Services. These fields appear when you create or modify a Case Service on the front-end of Penelope. Drop Down option 4 can also be configured to appear when adding an Anonymous Service.
Case Service Classes
A Case Service Class is the overarching category to which particular Case Services (programs) may belong. For example, you may have Case Service Classes called Counselling Services, Education and Workshops, Outreach, etc., to which you will assign individual Case Services β Counselling Services could include specific services like Individual Counselling, Family Counselling, and Relationship Counselling. Case Service Classes allow you to report on group of services in addition to specific services.
Anonymous Service
The Anonymous Service section includes the option to customize the labels and field values for the fields you use to collect data for Anonymous Services.
Target Setup
The Target Setup box contains the Data Note Type and a custom User Defined field.
Reference Tab
The Reference tab includes configuration settings for the Reference option that appears in the Links sidebar on your homepage. You can choose whether to include include your configured Resources, Case Services, Sites, and Agency Links.
Contact Type Tab
The Contact Type tab lists the available methods of contact for Individuals, Blue Book Entries, Collateral Contacts, etc.
Login Message Tab
The Login Messages tab includes options to configure default message that will appear to users: Login Page Text appears on the login page prior to the user being authenticated while the System Warning appears after the user is successfully authenticated. System Warnings are often used to communicate when routine maintenance or outages will be performed for Penelope.