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Security Questions
Updated over a week ago

In this article

Security Questions are a method of verifying a Worker’s identity where they respond to questions that only they should know the answers to. As a System Administrator, you can set up a list of possible Security Questions that users can configure answers for.

Best Practices for Creating Security Questions

  • Avoid using standard questions available on Social Networking sites.

  • Avoid creating questions that colleagues would know the answers to.

  • Create three times more questions for Workers to choose from than the number of answers you will require that they create. For example, if you require that Workers input answers for three questions, you should create a minimum of nine questions.

  • Consult your territorial, regional, or industry best practices to create specific Security Questions.

Configuring Security Questions

Step 1: Set the minimum number of Security Questions that Workers must configure

1. Navigate to User Setup > Security > Authentication.

2. In the Security Questions section, next to Minimum number of security questions users must create answers for, click Edit.

Minimum number of Security Questions required

3. In the Minimum number of questions users must create answers for field, type the minimum number of questions that you want staff members to create answers for.

4. Click Save.

Step 2: Create a list of Security Questions

You must create at least the minimum number of questions users must create answers for.

1. In the Authentication > Security Questions section, click Add.

2. In the Question text field, type the desired security question.

3. Click Save.

Repeat Steps 1-3 for each Security Question you want to create.

Step 3: Activate a Security Question

To allow Workers to make use of the Security Question that you’ve created, you must activate the question.


Once you activate a Security Question, the question becomes available immediately for Workers to create answers for. You cannot edit the text of an active security question because it may be in use by users and their answers may become inaccurate. For instructions on how to edit the text of a Security Question before it becomes active, see the Edit the text of a security question topic.

1. In the Authentication > Security Questions section, click the security question that you want to activate.

2. Click the Active option.

Activate option for Security Questions

3. Click Save.

Step 4: Enable Security Questions for use with 2-Step Login

Complete this step if you want to enable Security Questions as a 2-Step Login method and Security Questions weren’t previously enabled.

1. In the Authentication > 2-step log in section, click Edit.

Edit 2-step login settings

2. Click the Enable security questions option.

3. Click Save.

Managing Security Questions

Edit the text of a Security Question

You can only edit the text of an inactive Security Question. You cannot edit the text of an active Security Question because it may be in use by Workers and their answers may become inaccurate. If you need to modify the text of an active Security Question, you must delete the question and add a new question with updated wording.

1. Navigate to User Setup > Security > Authentication.

2. In the Authentication > Security Questions section, click the security question whose text you want to edit.

3. In the Question Text field, edit the text as required.

4. Click Save.

Delete a Security Question


Deleting an active question will also delete any security question answer set up by a Worker.

1. Navigate to User Setup > Security > Authentication.

2. In the Authentication > Security Questions section, click the (-) icon next to the Security Question that you want to delete.

3. Click Okay to confirm your action.

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