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List of Security Classes

Security Class Definitions, Comprehensive list of Security Class Settings

Updated over a week ago

Security Classes are customizable permission settings you can use to restrict or grant access to client data and features in Penelope beyond the User Group. While the User Group defines the base-level permissions and interaction with Penelope, the Security Class defines which specific screens, features, and client information a set of Workers have access to.

A Security Class is made up of several Security Class Rules that you enabled or disable. These specific settings determine what the worker can see and do in Penelope. Security Class Rules are grouped into the following categories.

Specific Pages


Effect if enabled

Hide Master Schedule

The Worker will not have access to the Agency Schedule page which displays the availability of Workers, Resources, and Individuals for your organization.

Agency Schedule icon

The Master Agency Schedule icon (located on the left side of Penelope) will be hidden.

Deny access to Agency Appointments page

The Worker will not have access the Agency Appointments page which displays all events for your organization. The Worker will only be able to access the appointments which they are attending from their calendar.

Agency Events icon

The Agency Appointments icon (located on the left side of Penelope) will be hidden.

Deny Access to Intake Wizard

The Worker will not be able to use the Intake Wizard to add new clients to Penelope. The Intake Wizard link will be hidden from the home, Individual Search, and Individual Profile pages.

Hide Intake Wizard link on home page only

The Intake Wizard link will be hidden from the Links sidebar on the home page but still accessible from both Individual Search and Individual Profile pages.

Note: For this setting to work as expected, the "Deny Access to Intake Wizard" setting above must be off.

Deny Access to Pre-Enrollment List

The Worker will not be able to access the Pre-Enrollment List (the icon or link are hidden) but will still be able to access Pre-Enrollment entries for specific clients from their Individual Profile pages.

Depending on your configuration, the Pre-Enrollment feature appears as an icon on the left side of Penelope:

Pre-Enrollment icon

... or as a link in the Links sidebar on the home page:

Pre-Enrollment link in Links sidebar

Deny Admin-Exec level workers from reviewing Service Events for invoicing

Workers assigned to the Admin-Exec User Group will not be able to see the Mark Reviewed link or edit the For Review flag on the Event page.

Service Event Mark Reviewed button

Service Event For Review button

This setting is related to the Enable Service Event Review option on the Event Setup page > Optional and Other Settings.

Deny Intake-Mgmt level workers from reviewing Service Events for invoicing

Workers assigned to the Intake-Mgmt User Group will not be able to see the Mark Reviewed link or edit the For Review flag on the Event page.

Service Event Mark Reviewed button

Service Event For Review button

This setting is related to the Enable Service Event Review option on the Event Setup page > Optional and Other Settings.

Hide the Coverage Maintenance page

The Worker will not be able to access the Coverage Maintenance link in the Links sidebar on the home page.

Coverage Maintenance link in Links sidebar

Allow access to View by Individuals in Master Schedule

The Worker will be able to see the View by > Individual filtering option in the Agency Schedule page to view the schedules of Individuals.

View By filter on the Master Agency Schedule page

Show Link to DSS submissions list from home page

The Worker will have the DSS Summary section available on the home page and will be able to fix errors and mark the relevant record(s) for submission after the errors are fixed.

DSS Summary on a Worker's homepage

This security setting does not automatically grant the Worker access to submission history records for which they are not the Primary Worker. See the "Allow Access to DSS submissions of Workers other than self" setting below.

Allow access to DSS submissions of workers other than self

The Worker will be granted full access to all DSS submissions including those where they are not the Primary Worker of the Service File/Group. If this setting is not enabled, instead of seeing a Primary Worker suggest lookup on the DSS Submission List pages, the Primary Worker will automatically be set to the logged in worker.


Viewing DSS Submissions for all workers

Not enabled

Viewing DSS Submissions for self only

Show link to NDIS submissions list from home page

The Worker will have the NDIS Submission Summary section available on the home page and will be able to fix errors and mark the relevant record(s) as corrected. This security setting does not automatically grant the Worker access to submission history records for which they are not the Primary Worker. See the Allow Access to NDIS submissions of workers other than self setting below.

NDIS Submission Summary on worker's homepage

Allow access to NDIS submissions of workers other than self

The Worker will be granted full access to all NDIS including those where they are not the Primary Worker of the Service File/Group. If not enabled, the Primary Worker suggest lookup on the NDIS Submission List pages will automatically be set to only show the Worker.


Viewing DSS Submissions for all workers

Not enabled

Viewing DSS Submissions for self only

Allow access to NDIS files

The Worker will be granted full access to all NDIS files including the ability to modify and delete the files.

Deny access to Service Event > Cart tab

The Worker will not be able to access the Cart tab in the Service Details section on the Service Event Page.

Restrict access to Service Event > Cart tab to assigned workers only

The Worker will not be able to access the Cart tab in the Service Details section on the Service Event page if they are not directly assigned to the Service File.

Deny modifications to Service Event > Attendee tab

The Worker will not be able to modify the Individuals, Blue Book entries, workers or Resources on the Attendee tab in the Service Details section on the Service Event page. Instead, the Attendees tab will be read-only.

Restrict modifications to Service Event > Attendee tab to assigned workers only

The Worker will not be able to modify the Individuals, Blue Book entries, workers or Resources on the Attendee tab in the Service Details section on the Service Event page if they are not directly assigned to the Service File. Instead, the Attendees tab will be read-only.

Deny access to Service Event > User Defined tab

The Worker will not be able to access the User Defined tab in the Service Details section on the Service Event page.

Restrict access to Service Event > User Defined tab to assigned workers only

The Worker will not be able to access the User Defined in the Service Details section tab on Service Event page if they are not directly assigned to the Service File.

Deny access to Service File > User Defined tab

The Worker will not be able to access the User Defined tab on the Service File page.

Restrict access to Service File > User Defined tab to assigned workers only

The Worker will not be able to access the User Defined tab on the Service File page if they are not directly assigned to the Service File.

Deny modifications to Service File workers

The Worker will not be able to modify the Workers section on the Service File page after the Service File has been added. This restriction includes the addition or removal of a Worker as well as change in Worker assignment (primary, other, attending, or non-attending).

Service File Worker List

Allow access to agency Targets

The Worker will be able to see the Targets List link from Links sidebar on the home page. They will also be able to add new Targets or make modifications to existing Targets.

Target List link in Links sidebar

Allow deleting and editing of messages in the system

The Worker will be able to delete or edit existing messages creating using the Collaboration Suite at any level in Penelope.

Note: Messages created in the Engage feature cannot be deleted from Penelope even if this setting is enabled.

Deny access to all Group pages

The Worker will not be able see the Group List link from the Links sidebar on the home page to view the list of groups in Penelope. The Worker will also be unable to view any Group or Group Event pages (including those they are assigned to).

Group List link in Links sidebar

Deny access to Anonymous Services

The Worker will not be able to see the Anonymous Services List or Add Anonymous Service links from the Links sidebar on the home page. The worker will also be unable to log new Anonymous Services.

Anonymous Service link in Links sidebar

Deny access to Reference page

The Worker will not be able to see the References link from the Links sidebar on the home page. The References page contains a list of Agency Links, Resources, Services, and Sites along with the Resource Utilization Report.

Reference link in Links sidebar

Restrict to View only for Public Blue Book Entries

The Worker will not be able to add new or edit/delete existing public Blue Book entries. The "Add Blue Book" link in the Links sidebar on the home page and the Edit/Delete options will be hidden on the Blue Book entry, but the worker will be able to use existing Blue Book entries when logging referrals and adding Collateral Contacts. The Worker can also still create/edit/delete private Collateral Contacts (the "Private" option will be automatically selected when adding a Collateral Contact).

Allow marking DSS records Not for Submission

The Worker will be able to mark records with DSS information (client, cases, sessions and assessments) as not for submission (i.e. the record will never be uploaded to DSS data exchange).

Deny Modifications to Individual Profiles (v4.18.1.0+)

Workers will not be able to edit Individual Profiles. Note: there are existing Security Class settings that will ensure the Worker cannot edit other information that is connected to an Individual.

Deny Access to Individual Profile 'Messages' tab

Worker will not be able to view or access the 'Messages' tab on the Individual Profile. (as of v4.24.3.0)

Deny Access to Add Individual

Worker will not be able to use Add Individual. (as of v4.24.3.0)



Effect if enabled

Allow access to Worker Setup

The Worker will be able to create new user accounts, view and edit other Worker Profiles, and make use of the User Account Maintenance page. Enabling this setting does not grant access to the Attachments, Documents, Reports, and Preferences sidebar links on other Worker Profiles.

Note: Barring other security restrictions, the Worker will still have view-only access to other Worker Profiles.

Allow access to Worker Profile Documents, Attachments, and Workflow of other Workers

Notwithstanding other security restrictions and configuration, the Worker will be able to access Attachments, Documents and Workflow on the other Worker's profile. The worker will be able to view, create, add, edit and delete the other Worker's Attachments, Documents, or Workflow Tasks and Reminders.

Allow Worker to access their Subordinate Workers' Profile Documents, Attachments, and Workflow

Each Worker's profile includes a 'Reports to' field. In this context, Workers who report to you are considered your 'Subordinates'. With this security rule and notwithstanding other rules that may be in effect, the Worker will be able to access Attachments, Documents and Workflow on the Subordinates Worker's profile. The worker will be able to view, create, add, edit and delete the Subordinate Worker's Attachments, Documents, or Workflow Tasks and Reminders.

Allow viewing of Contact information of other workers

The Worker will be able to view the Contact Info section on other Workers Profiles.

Allow viewing of User Defined information of other workers

The Worker will be able to view the User Defined tab on other Worker Profiles.

Allow viewing of Clinical information of other workers

The Worker will be able to view the Clinical tab on other Worker Profiles

Allow creating Intake Availability times for other workers

The Worker will be able to add Intake Availability times for other Workers.

Allow creating worker Availability slots for other workers

The Worker will be able to set another worker's availability.

Restrict worker suggest lookup limit to current user site

The Worker will only be able to see other workers assigned to the same Site in the results list of suggest lookups.

Restrict worker Search Results limit to current user site

The search results on the Search > Worker page will be limited to workers assigned to the same Site as the Worker.

Deny access to workers from other sites

The Worker will not be able to view the Worker Profile of workers assigned to a Site that is different from their own.

Note: Barring other security restrictions, the Worker will still see Workers assigned to different Sites in worker suggest lookups and in search results; however, the Worker will receive an error message if they try to click through to the Worker Profile.

Restrict Master Agency Schedule to worker's own site

The Worker will not be able to view other workers, resources, individuals or events at Sites other than their own.

Restrict Agency Events view to worker's own site

When viewing the Master Agency Events page, the Worker will not be able to view Events that occurred at Sites other than their own.

Deny access to other Worker Profiles

The Worker will not be able to view any other Worker Profile pages.

Limit access to other workers to current worker's own Site Tree

The Worker will only be able to view the names and profiles of other Workers assigned to the same Site or within their Site Tree. Worker Site drop-downs will automatically be set to the Worker's assigned site with no option to select another Site outside of the Site Tree.

Deny Addition of Agency News

The Worker will be prevented from adding news items on the Agency News page.

Restrict Write Access to the Worker's Own Profile

The Worker will not be able to edit their own Worker Profile.


The Search Security Settings impact which options are available to a Worker on the Search Page. You can hide specific tabs or sub-tabs in the Search feature.

All available Search tabs

Important Information

If you enable all of the Hide <Event Type> Search options, the Event tab is automatically hidden for the worker. Similarly, if you enable all of the Hide <Billing Type> Search options (including Invoice Search), the Billing tab is automatically hidden for the Worker.


Effect if enabled

Hide Search button

Worker will not be able to see or use the Search feature in Penelope

Hide Worker Search

Worker will not be able to see or use the Worker tab on the Search page

Hide Funder Search

Worker will not be able to see or use the Funder tab on the Search page

Hide Individual Search

Worker will not be able to see or use the Individual tab on the Search page

Hide Case Search

Worker will not be able to see or use the Case tab on the Search page

Hide Service File Search

Worker will not be able to see or use the Service File tab on the Search page

Hide Service Event Search

Worker will not be able to see or use the Event > Case tab on the Search page

Hide Indirect Event Search

Worker will not be able to see or use the Event > Indirect tab on the Search page

Hide Informal Event Search

Worker will not be able to see or use the Event > Informal tab on the Search page

Hide Billing Batch Search

Worker will not be able to see or use the Billing > Batch tab on the Search page

Hide Billing Deposit Search

Worker will not be able to see or use the Billing > Deposit tab on the Search page

Hide Billing Credit Search

Worker will not be able to see or use the Billing > Credit tab on the Search page

Hide Billing Debit Search

Worker will not be able to see or use the Billing > Debit tab on the Search page

Hide Billing EDI Search

Worker will not be able to see or use the Billing > EDI tab on the Search page

Hide Invoice Search

Worker will not be able to see or use the Billing > Invoice tab on the Search page

Hide Billing EOB Search

Worker will not be able to see or use the Billing > EOB tab on the Search page

Hide Policy Search

Worker will not be able to see or use the Policy tab on the Search page

Hide Blue Book Search

Worker will not be able to see or use the Blue Book search page. The Blue Book icon (located on the left side of Penelope) will be hidden

Hide Service search parameter on Individual Search

Worker will not be able to see / use the Service field on the Individual Search

Billing Information


Effect if enabled

Hide billing amounts in Case

The Worker will not be able to view the charges for any Service Units in an Event. While the Workers will be able to add Service Units to the cart, they will not be able to see the fee of the Service Unit while in the event.

Additionally, the Links sidebar on both the Service File (containing Pre-payment and Refund options) and Service Event (containing Quick Pay, Pre-payment, Record Payment, and Add Credit options) will be hidden.

Note: If Workers have access to the Service Unit Setup (the Allow Access to Service Units Set Up option), they will be able to view the fee from the Service Unit's page.

Hide Service File Fee Override

The Worker will not be able to add a Fee Override for a Service File.

Service Unit Fee Override sidebar

The Service Unit Fee Override section of the Billing sidebar on the Service File page will not be visible.

Hide Service Unit billing adjustment edit

The Worker will not be able to adjust Service Units added to the Cart tab in a Service Event. Affected adjustments include the FFS individual, fee, patient name (if applicable), and claim amount.

Service Unit Line Details Edit screen

Adjustments are made via the Line Details section (accessible by hovering over the payor name).

Deny access to EOB

The Worker will not be able to see the Create EOB link from the Links sidebar on the homepage or access the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) processes.

Create EOB link in Links sidebar

Deny access to Batch Invoicing

The Worker will not be able to access Batch Invoicing processes including:

  • The Generate Invoices in Batch Mode link from the Links section of the sidebar on the home page

  • The Generate Invoice link from the Individual's Account Information page

  • The Generate Invoice link from the Funder's Account Information page

If the corresponding Hide Billing Amounts in Case setting is not enabled, Workers can generate invoices for specific Service Events.

Allow access to Funder Account information

The Worker will be able to view the Account Information section on the Funder Profile.

Account Information on the Funder Profile

They will also be able to generate invoices, and add payments, credits, and debits for the Funder.

Allow access to Individual Account information

The Worker will be able to view the Account Information section on the Individual Profile.

Account Information on the Individual Profile

They will also be able to generate invoices, and add payments, credits, and debits for the Individual.

Deny modifications to the Billing Sequence

The Worker will not be able to make modifications to the Billing Sequence of a Service File, Service Event, or any specific Service Units in the cart. Further, the worker will not see the "Edit Sequence" link in the Billing Information sidebar on the Service File or Service Event pages, or on the Cart tab of the Service Event. Finally, the worker will not be able to see where in the billing sequence a policy is.

Deny Access to Add Deposit

Worker will not be able to add a Deposit. (as of v4.24.3.0)



Effect if enabled

Deny access to Funder

The Worker will not be able to create new Funders or view existing Funders. The "Add Funder" link will be hidden from the Setup sidebar on the homepage, and the Funder tab will be hidden from the Search page.W

Allow modifications to Funder Information

The Worker will be able to modify any component of the Funder Profile (the only exception would be if the Allow access to Funder Account Information, Allow Group Policy Set Up, and/or Allow Public Policy Set Up security options are enabled).

Allow Group Policy setup

The Worker will be able to set up Group Policy templates for Funders on the Funder Profile page.

Allow Public Policy setup

The Worker will be able to set up Public Policy templates for Funders on the Funder Profile page.



Effect if enabled

Deny access to Client Policy

The Worker will not be able to add, edit, or view a Client Policy on each of the Individual Profile, Case, Service file, and Service Event pages. If this setting is enabled, the Search > Policy tab is also hidden.

Restrict Add Individual Policy

The Worker will not be able add any type of Policy for a client.

Note: Policies are created on the Individual Profile > Policy tab or the Billing Information sidebar found on the Case, Service File, and Service Event pages.

View-only for Group Policy

The Worker will not be able add or edit a client's Group Policy but will be able to view existing Group Policies.

View-only for Public Policy.

The Worker will not be able add or edit a client's Public Policy but will be able to view existing Public Policies.

View-only for Private Policy.

The Worker will not be able add or edit a client's Private Policy but will be able to view existing Private Policies.

View-only for NDIS Policy

The Worker will not be able add or edit a client's NDIS Policy but will be able to view existing NDIS Policies.

Hide Coverage View and Coverage Usage pages

The Worker will not be able to view a client's Policy Coverage page or the associated Coverage Usage tab.

Deny Access to Coverage Expiry List

Worker will not be able to access the Coverage Expiry List (as of v4.24.3.0)

Case and Service File


Effect if enabled

Hide Create Case

The Worker will not be able to create a new Case using the Create Case link on the Individual Profile. Unless restricted through Security Class settings, the worker will still be able to open a Case using the Intake Wizard.

Location on Individual Profile where you can create a new Case

Note: The Create Case option will appear in the Case Information sidebar on the Individual Profile in the following situations:

  • The client was added to Penelope using the Add Individual feature and doesn't not currently have a Case opened

  • The Allow multiple open cases per individual setting is enabled

Restrict Intake to assigned Case Services

Workers assigned to the Intake-Mgmt User Group will only be able to access Service Files for Case Services they are assigned to (i.e. the list of services found on the Worker Profile > Clinical tab > Assigned Services box). For example, if a Worker offers Individual Counselling, Family Counselling, and Stress Management, they will be able to view all Service Files matching those types.

Note: This setting does not affect workers belonging to the Clinical Worker User Group as they are, by design, restricted to only viewing the specific Service Files they are assigned to.

Restrict worker by Site

Barring other security restrictions, Workers will only be able to access records that are associated with their assigned Site tree as defined on their Worker Profile. Records from other Sites will be hidden from search results, the Agency Appointments page, etc.

For example, if your agency operates out of three Sites (A, B, and C) and worker Jane Smith is assigned to Site A, she will only be able to view records assigned to Site A.

Restrict Service File access to assigned workers

Workers assigned to the Intake-Mgmt User Group will only be able to access Service Files they are directly assigned to.

Note: This setting does not affect workers belonging to the Clinical Worker User Group as this restriction occurs by default.

Allow Worker to Access their Subordinate Workers' Service Files

Each Worker's profile includes a 'Reports to' field. In this context, Workers who report to you are considered your 'Subordinates'. With this security rule and notwithstanding other rules that may be in effect, Intake-Mgmt and Administrative-Executive workers will be able to access any Case (and Service File) for which one of their subordinates is assigned as a Worker. This rule takes precedence over the 'Restrict Worker by Site' and 'Restrict Intake to Assigned Case Services' rules.

Restrict Service File display to assigned Workers (Penelope v4.15.1.0+ August 2019)

Notwithstanding other security restrictions, workers will only be able to see service files that are associated with their assigned services. That is, let's assume that there are 3 case services A, B, and C and the Worker is assigned to A and B. If the worker accesses a case where with 3 service files A, B and C, they would only be able to service file A and B, service file C would be hidden.

Allow display of secured Case Service (Penelope v4.15.1.0+ August 2019)

Notwithstanding other security restrictions, Workers will be able to see secured Case Service Service Files.

Restrict Service File display of secured Service Files to assigned Workers (Penelope v4.15.1.0+ August 2019)

Notwithstanding other security restrictions, Workers will not be able see a secured Service File unless they are one of the assigned Workers to that Service File. That is, let's assume that there are 2 Cases (A and B) with the same secured Service File (but different presenting Individuals) in each Case. The Worker is only assigned as a Worker to Service File B in Case B. If the worker accesses Case A, they would not see a Service File (even though they are assigned to that secured Case Service) as it has been hidden. If the worker accesses Case B, they would see the secured Service File B, as they are an assigned worker on that file.

Allow a Worker to mark a Case Service as secured (Penelope v4.15.1.0+ August 2019)

Worker will be able to secure a Case Service.

Hide Create Service File

The Add Service Wizard and Add Service File links on the Case page will be hidden.

Case page showing Add Service Wizard and Add Service File links

Consequently, the Worker will not be able to add a new Service File for a client.

Deny access to closed Service Files

The Worker will not be able to view closed Service Files even if they were an assigned worker. Closed Service Files will not appear in search results but they will be visible from the Case page (though not clickable).

Mask SSN/SIN on client Profile and Search page

The Worker will not be able to see the SSN/SIN/AUS Med/PPS/Other field on a client's Individual Profile. Other Individual Identifiers fields will still be visible.

Individual Identifier field on Individual Profile

Note: This field corresponds to the Identification Number field on the Individual Setup page.

Allow Clinical worker access to legacy Action Documents

Workers assigned to the Clinical Worker User Group will be able to view legacy Action Documents created for a Case file they have access to.

Note: Legacy Action Documents are only applicable to pre-version 4 Penelope.

Allow for adding any clinical-based worker as Other to Service Files

The Worker will be able to add any clinical-based worker (Intake-Mgmt or Clinical worker) as an Other Worker on existing Service Files via the Show All box regardless of other security restrictions which may be in effect.

Deny Modifications to Cases (v4.18.1.0+)

Workers will not be able to edit Cases. Note: there are existing Security Class settings that will ensure the Worker cannot edit other information that is connected to a Case.

Deny Access to Referrals on the Service File

Worker will not see the Referral section of the sidebar and be unable to add or view Referrals on the Service File. (as of v4.24.3.0)

Hide Collateral Contacts on the Service File

Worker will not be able to access the Collateral Contact section of the sidebar on the Service File. (as of v4.24.3.0)

Deny Modifications to the Service File

Worker will not be able to make modifications to Service Files. This setting does NOT prevent the Worker from booking Service Events. (as of v4.24.3.0)



Effect if enabled

Allow access to Service Events for Event attendees

The Worker will be able to access any Service Events that they have been added to as an attendee regardless of whether they are assigned to the Service File in any way (including Clinical workers who would otherwise not have access to Service Files they are not assigned to).

This security class setting takes precedence over the Restrict Access to Service Files to Assigned workers restriction, but Site-based restrictions will still apply.

Allow manager access to Note field in Service Events attended by subordinate workers

The Worker will be able to view Service Event notes for all Service Files where their Subordinates (defined by the Report to field on their Worker Profile) are currently assigned as a Worker.

Hide Event Notes if not directly assigned to Service File

The Worker will only be able to view Service Event Notes if they are assigned as a Worker to that Service File.

Note: This setting only applies to Intake-Mgmt workers as Clinical workers do not have access to Event Notes unless they are directly assigned as a worker to the Service File.

Restrict Reschedule to only own Service Events

The Worker can only reschedule Events (using the "Reschedule" link) if they are listed as an Event attendee.

Restrict Reschedule to only Service Events at their own Site

A Worker can only reschedule Events (using the Reschedule link) at the Site they are assigned to.

Restrict ability to cancel to only own Service Events

A Worker can only cancel Events (using the "Attendance" link) if they are listed as the Event Primary Worker. The Event can otherwise be marked as No Show or Show where this restriction is in place and the Worker is not the Event Primary Worker.

Attendance options as Event Primary Worker

Event Cancellation options as Primary Worker

Attendance options as "Other" or a non-attending worker

Event Attendance options as "other" or non-attending Worker

Restrict ability to cancel only Service Events at their own Site

A Worker can only cancel Events (using the "Attendance" link) at the Site they are assigned to. If the Event occurs at a different Site, they can only mark the Event as No Show or Show.

Restrict workers to only book other workers from their own Site

The Worker will only be able to schedule other workers in an existing Event from their assigned Site.

Note: This setting is applicable to the Attendees tab of the Event page only (i.e. it does not impact the ability to add workers from other Sites on the Book Event page). To prevent a worker from scheduling new Events with workers from other Sites, enable the Restrict worker Search Results- Limit to current user site setting.

Restrict workers to only schedule Events at their own Site

The Worker will only be able to schedule Events at their assigned Site. Instead of a drop-down with a list of Sites, the View By > Event Site option will default to the Worker's assigned Site.

Setting enabled

Worker only able to schedule Event at their assigned Site

Setting disabled

Worker is able to schedule Events at any Site

Deny access to Returns/Recoveries in Case Events

The Worker will not be able to enter amounts for Returns or Recoveries at the Event > Cart tab. If enabled the Return and Recover options will not be visible.

Note: This setting does not impact the ability to process Returns or Recoveries in the EOB feature.

Deny access to Indirect Events

A Worker will not be able to book Indirect Events or view existing Indirect Events regardless if they are an attendee or had previously scheduled the event themselves.

Deny Access to Referrals on the Service Event

Worker will not see the Referral section of the sidebar and be unable to add or view Referrals on the Service Event. (as of v4.24.3.0)

Deny Modifications to Service Events

Worker will not be able to make modifications to Service Events. This setting does NOT prevent the Worker from booking Service Events. (as of v4.24.3.0)

Deny Access to Booking Service Events

Worker will not be able to book Service Events. Note: this does not apply to Group, Informal, Indirect Events, or Service Events booked through the Add Service Wizard or Pre-Enrollment. (as of v4.24.3.0)



Effect if enabled

Restrict Worker from Deleting Completed Documents

The worker will not be able to delete Completed Documents or Document Revisions.

Note: Enabling this setting does not prevent the Worker from deleting Document Previews.

Deny access to Case Documents

The worker will not be able to access the Documents sidebar on Case pages.

Deny access to Service File Documents

The Worker will not be able to access the Documents sidebar on Service File pages.

Restrict access to Documents in Service File page to assigned Workers only

The Worker will not be able to access the Document sidebar on Service File pages if they are not directly assigned to the Service File.

Deny access to Service Event Documents

The Worker will not be able to access the Documents sidebar on Service Event pages.

Restrict access to Documents in Service Event page to assigned Workers only

The Worker will not be able to access the Document sidebar on Service Event pages if they are not directly assigned to the parent Service File.

Deny access to Individual Documents

The Worker will not be able to access the Documents sidebar on Individual Profile File pages.

Deny access to Worker Documents

The Worker will not be able to access the Documents sidebar on Worker Profile pages.

Deny access to Case Service Documents

The Worker will not be able to access the Documents sidebar on Case Service pages.

Deny access to Informal Service Documents

The Worker will not be able to access the Documents sidebar on Informal Service pages.

Deny access to Informal Series Documents

The Worker will not be able to access the Documents sidebar on Informal Series pages.

Deny access to Group Documents

The Worker will not be able to access the Documents sidebar on Group pages.

Deny access to Group Event Documents

The Worker will not be able to access the Documents sidebar on Group Event pages.

Deny access to Funder Documents

The Worker will not be able to access the Documents sidebar on Funder pages.

Deny access to Anonymous Service Documents

The Worker will not be able to access the Documents sidebar on Anonymous Service pages.

Deny access to Indirect Event Documents

The Worker will not be able to access the Documents sidebar on Indirect Event pages.

Deny access to Referral Entry Documents

The Worker will not be able to access the Documents sidebar on Referral Entry pages.

Deny access to Blue Book Entry Documents

The Worker will not be able to access the Documents sidebar on Blue Book Entry pages.

Deny access to Informal Event Documents

The Worker will not be able to access the Documents sidebar on Informal Event pages.

Deny access to Outcomes Assessments

The Worker will not be able to access the Outcomes Assessments sidebar on Service File or Service Event pages.

Deny add to Outcomes Assessments

The Worker will not be able to add Outcomes Assessments on Service File or Service Event pages.

Informal Services


Effect if enabled

Deny access to Informal Services

The Worker will not be able to access the Informal Services section of Penelope. If enabled, the Informal Series List link will be hidden from the Links sidebar on the homepage, and the Informal tab will be hidden from the Search > Event page.

Allow access to all secure Informal Series

The Worker will be able to view and edit all Informal Series and associated Informal Events.

Note: For this setting to be effective, the "Deny Access to Informal Services" security setting must be unchecked.



Effect if enabled

Allow access to Services setup

The Worker will be able to add and edit Case Services via the Services List link in the Setup sidebar on the home page.

Allow access to Service Units setup

The Worker will be able to add and edit Service Units and Unit of Measures via the Service Unit List and Service Unit of Measure links in the Setup sidebar on the home page.

Allow access to Document setup

The Worker will be able to add and edit Documents via the Document List link in the Setup sidebar on the home page.

Allow access to Resource setup

The Worker will be to add and edit Resources via the Resource List link in the Setup sidebar on the home page.

Allow access to Worker Category setup

The Worker will be able to add and edit Worker Categories via the User Category List link in the Setup sidebar on the home page.

Deny Access to the Case Service page

Worker will not be able to access the Case Service page when accessed from the Service File, Group, or Reference page. (as of v4.24.3.0)



Effect if enabled

Deny access to Main Reports page

The View all Reports link in the Reports sidebar on the home page will be hidden; consequently, the Worker will not be able to access the main Reports page. Barring other restrictions, the Worker will be able to access reports on specific pages in Penelope (i.e. Case, Service File, etc.) as well as the Reports sidebar on the home page.

Hide Individual Reports section of main Reports Page

The Worker will not be able to view reports in the Individual Reports section of the main Reports page.

Hide Worker Reports section of main Reports page

The Worker will not be able to view reports in the Worker Reports section of the main Reports page.

Hide Funder Reports section of main Reports page

The Worker will not be able to view reports in the Funder Reports section of the main Reports page.

Hide Anonymous Reports section of main Reports page

The Worker will not be able to view reports in the Anonymous Reports section of the main Reports page.

Hide Informal Reports section of main Reports page

The Worker will not be able to view reports in the Informal Reports section of the main Reports page.

Hide Pre-Enrollment Reports section of main Reports page

The Worker will not be able to view reports in the Pre-Enrollment Reports section of the main Reports page.

Hide Survey Reports section of main Reports page

The Worker will not be able to view reports in the Survey Reports section of the main Reports page.

Hide Document Reports section of main Reports page

The Worker will not be able to view reports in the Document Reports section of the main Reports page.

Hide Schedule Reports section of main Reports page

The Worker will not be able to view reports in the Schedule Reports section of the main Reports page.

Hide Case Service Reports section of main Reports page

The Worker will not be able to view reports in the Case Service Reports section of the main Reports page.

Hide Service Reports section of main Reports page

The Worker will not be able to view reports in the Service Reports section of the main Reports page.

Hide Service Event Reports section of main Reports page

The Worker will not be able to view reports in the Service Reports section of the main Reports page.

Hide Service Unit Reports section of main Reports page

The Worker will not be able to view reports in the Service Unit Reports section of the main Reports page.

Hide Engage Reports section of main Reports page

The Worker will not be able to view reports in the Engage Reports section of the main Reports page.

Hide Account Balance Reports section of main Reports page

The Worker will not be able to view reports in the Account Balance Reports section of the main Reports page.

Hide Billing Reports section of main Reports page

The Worker will not be able to view reports in the Billing Reports section of the main Reports page.

Hide Policy Reports section of main Reports page

The Worker will not be able to view reports in the Policy Reports section of the main Reports page.

Hide DSS Reports

The Worker will not be able to view DSS reports section of the main Reports page.

Hide NDIS Reports

The Worker will not be able to view NDIS reports section of the main Reports page.




Effect if enabled

Deny access to Attachments in Service Event page

The Worker will not be able to access the Attachments sidebar on the Service Event page.

Restrict access to Attachments in Service Event page to assigned Workers only

The Worker will not be able to access the Attachments sidebar on the Service Event page if they are not directly assigned to its parent Service File.

Deny access to Attachments in Service File page

The Worker will not be able to access the Attachments sidebar on the Service File page.

Restrict access to Attachments in Service File page to assigned Workers only

The Worker will not be able to access the Attachments sidebar on the Service File page if they are not directly assigned to that Service File.

Restrict Worker from deleting an Attachment

The Worker will not be able to delete attachments.



Effect if enabled

Allow viewing of IHI numbers

The Worker will be able to see IHI numbers.

Note: This setting is only applicable to those Australian agencies with the PCEHR module enabled through a license key.

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