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Additional Security Class Settings

Available with Penelope v4.24.3.0 on April 9th, 2022

Updated over a week ago

These Security Class settings will allow you to refine access to certain areas of Penelope to prevent incorrect data being created or prevent actions certain users may not need to (or should be unable to) perform. These settings will be available to enable in your Security Class setup.


Deny Access to Add Individual

Setting Name

Setting Description

Deny Access to Add Individual

Worker will not be able to use Add Individual.

“Deny Access to Add Individual” is in the “Specific Pages Security Settings” section of Security Class setup. When this setting is on in a Security Class, Workers with that Security Class will not see the “Add Individual” link on the home page under “Links” and “Add” button on the “Individual” search page. We recommend using “Deny Access to Intake Wizard” in addition to this setting.

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Setting off – user can view and use “Add Individual” under “Links” on the home page or “Add” on the Individual Search tab.

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Setting on – user cannot view and use “Add Individual” under “Links” on the home page or “Add” on the Individual Search tab.

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Deny Access to Individual Profile Messages Tab

Setting Name

Setting Description

Deny Access to Individual Profile 'Messages' tab

Worker will not be able to view or access the 'Messages' tab on the Individual Profile.

“Deny Access to Individual Profile 'Messages' tab” is in the “Specific Pages Security Settings” section of Security Class setup. When this setting is on in a Security Class, Workers with that Security Class will not see the “Messages” tab on an Individual’s Profile.

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This setting does not affect actions the user can perform on the “Message Settings” tab.

Setting off – user can see the “Messages” tab before the “Message Settings” tab on the Individual Profile.

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Setting on – user cannot see the “Messages” tab before the “Message Settings” tab on the Individual Profile.

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Service Event

Deny Access to Referrals on the Service Event

Setting Name

Setting Description

Deny Access to Referrals on the Service Event

Worker will not see the Referral section of the sidebar and be unable to add or view Referrals on the Service Event.

“Deny Access to Referrals on the Service Event” is in the “Event Security Settings” section of Security Class setup. When this setting is on in a Security Class, Workers with that Security Class will not see the Referrals section of the sidebar on the Service Event.

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Setting off – user can view and use the “Referrals” section of the sidebar on the Service Event

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Setting on – user cannot view and use the “Referrals” section of the sidebar on the Service Event.

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Deny Access to Booking Service Events

Setting Name

Setting Description

Deny Access to Booking Service Events

Worker will not be able to book Service Events. Note: this does not apply to Group, Informal, Indirect Events, or Service Events booked through the Add Service Wizard or Pre-Enrollment.

“Deny Access to Booking Service Events” is in the “Event Security Settings” section of Security Class setup. When this setting is on in a Security Class, Workers with that Security Class will not be able to book Service Events from the Home Page, Service File, or Service Event.

This setting does not prevent the following:

  • Deletion of Service Events

  • Booking of the other types of Events

  • Group Events

  • Informal Events

  • Indirect Events

  • Booking of Service Events booked through the Add Service Wizard, or Pre-Enrollment.

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Setting off – user can Book Service Events from the Home Page, Service File, and Service Event.


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Setting on – user cannot Book Service Events from the Home Page, Service File, and Service Event.


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Deny Modifications to Service Events

Setting Name

Setting Description

Deny Modifications to Service Events

Worker will not be able to make modifications to Service Events. This setting does NOT prevent the Worker from booking Service Events.

“Deny Modifications to Service Events” is in the “Event Security Settings” section of Security Class setup.


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When this setting is on in a Security Class, Workers with that Security Class will not be able to:

  1. Edit or delete Service Events.

  2. Take or modify the Attendance of Service Events.

  3. Reschedule the Service Event.

  4. Set the Service Event as “Reviewed”

  5. See Workflow section of the Sidebar.

  6. See Billing section of the sidebar.

  7. Edit or lock the Service Event Note.

  8. See the “Mark follow-up required” link

  9. Send a new message or reply to messages from the “Messages” tab on the Service Event

  10. Edit the DSS tab, see the “View Log” link, or the “Add” links for the Assessments tab.

  11. See the “Accept”/ “Decline” link on the “Cancellation Policy” tab,

We recommend using the following Security Class settings in addition to “Deny Modifications to the Service File”:

  • Deny Modifications to Service Event :: Attendee Tab

  • Deny Access to Service Event :: User Defined Tab

  • Deny Access to Service Event :: Cart tab

  • Deny Access to Service Event Documents

  • Deny Access to Attachments in Service Event Page

  • Deny Access to Referrals on the Service File

  • Deny Access to Booking Service Events

Main Service Event area and notes

Setting off – user can edit, delete, take Attendance, Reschedule, mark “Reviewed”, set “Mark Followup Required” on the Service Event. Can see the Workflow and Billing sections of the sidebar. Can edit and lock the Service Event note.

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Setting on – user cannot edit, delete, take Attendance, Reschedule, mark “Reviewed”, set “Mark Followup Required” on the Service Event. Cannot see the Workflow and Billing sections of the sidebar. Cannot edit and lock the Service Event note.

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Service File

Setting off – user can use “Remove Booked Events” and “-” button to delete a Service Event on the Service File.

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Setting on – user cannot use “Remove Booked Events” and “-” button to delete a Service Event on the Service File.

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Messages tab

Setting off – user can “Start Discussion” and “Start Client Communication” on the “Messages” tab of the Service Event. Can reply to messages and add/remove followers from a thread.

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Setting on – user cannot “Start Discussion” and “Start Client Communication” on the “Messages” tab of the Service Event. Cannot reply to messages and add/remove followers from a thread.

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Cancellation Policy Tab

Setting off – user can “Accept” or “Decline” the Cancellation Policy.

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Setting on – user cannot “Accept” or “Decline” the Cancellation Policy.

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Setting off – user can “Edit” the DSS tab, “View Log” for the status of the DSS Session, and “Add” pre and post service assessments.

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Setting on – user cannot “Edit” the DSS tab, “View Log” for the status of the DSS Session, and “Add” pre and post service assessments.

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Service Files

Hide Collateral Contacts on the Service File

Setting Name

Setting Description

Hide Collateral Contacts on the Service File

Worker will not be able to access the Collateral Contact section of the sidebar on the Service File.

“Hide Collateral Contacts on the Service File” is in the “Case and Service File Security Settings” section of Security Class setup. When this setting is on in a Security Class, Workers with that Security Class will not see the “Collateral Contact” section of the sidebar on the Service File level.

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Setting off – user can view and use the “Collateral Contact” section of the sidebar on the Service File.

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Setting on – user cannot view and use the “Collateral Contact” section of the sidebar on the Service File.

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Deny Access to Referrals on the Service File

Setting Name

Setting Description

Deny Access to Referrals on the Service File

Worker will not see the Referral section of the sidebar and be unable to add or view Referrals on the Service File.

“Deny Access to Referrals on the Service File” is in the “Case and Service File Security Settings” section of Security Class setup. When this setting is on in a Security Class, Workers with that Security Class will not see the Referrals section of the sidebar on the Service File.

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Setting off – user can view and use the “Referrals” section of the sidebar on the Service File.

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Setting on – user cannot view and use the “Referrals” section of the sidebar on the Service File.

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Deny Modifications to the Service File

Setting Name

Setting Description

Deny Modifications to the Service File

Worker will not be able to make modifications to Service Files. This setting does NOT prevent the Worker from booking Service Events.

“Deny Modifications to the Service File” is in the “Case and Service File Security Settings” section of Security Class setup.


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When this setting is on in a Security Class, Workers with that Security Class will not be able to:

  1. Delete, Edit, Close, or Reopen the Service File, add or remove Service File Participants, edit Service File/Participant User-defined fields.

  2. See Workflow section of the Sidebar.

  3. See Billing section of the sidebar.

  4. Add, delete, or modify Service File Notes

  5. Send a new message or reply to messages from the “Messages” tab on the Service File

  6. Edit details on the CMS tab

  7. Edit details on the DSS tab

We recommend using the following Security Class settings in addition to “Deny Modifications to the Service File”:

  • Deny Access to Service File :: User Defined Tab

  • Deny Modifications to Service File Workers

  • Deny Access to Attachments in Service File Page OR Restrict Worker from Deleting an Attachment

  • Deny Access to Outcomes Assessments OR Deny Add to Outcomes Assessments

  • Deny Access to Service File Documents OR Restrict Access to Documents in Service File Page to assigned workers only

  • Hide Collateral Contacts on the Service File

  • Deny Access to Referrals on the Service File

  • Deny Modifications to Service Events

This setting does not prevent the addition, modification, or deletion of Service Events – see “Deny Modifications to Service Events” and “Deny Access to Booking Events”.

Profile tab

Setting off – user can edit, delete, add workers to the Service File, add/remove Participants to the Service File, modify member user defined, Service File User-defined tab, and see the Billing section of the sidebar.

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Setting on – user cannot edit, delete, add workers to the Service File, add/remove Participants to the Service File, modify member user defined, Service File User-defined tab, and see the Billing section of the sidebar.

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Notes tab

Setting off – user can add, edit, and delete Service File Notes

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Setting on – user cannot add, edit, and delete Service File Notes

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Messages Tab

Setting off – user can “Start Discussion”, “Start Client Communication” and reply to messages

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Setting on – user cannot “Start Discussion”, “Start Client Communication” and reply to messages

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Setting off – user can add DSS member details, close the DSS Case, and edit the DSS tab details.

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Setting on – user cannot add DSS member details, close the DSS Case, and edit the DSS tab details.

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Setting off – user can edit the main tab details, add/edit/delete Referring Physicians, add/edit/delete Qualifiers, and add/edit/delete Funder Specific identifiers.

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Setting on – user cannot edit the main tab details, add/edit/delete Referring Physicians, add/edit/delete Qualifiers, and add/edit/delete Funder Specific identifiers.

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Specific Links or Areas

Deny Access to Add Deposit

Setting Name

Setting Description

Deny Access to Add Deposit

Worker will not be able to add a Deposit.

“Deny Access to Add Deposit” is in the “Billing Information Security Settings” section of Security Class Setup. When this setting is on in a Security Class, Workers with that Security Class will not see the “Add Deposit” link on the homepage under “Links” and will be unable to add a Deposit.

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Setting off – user can view and use the “Add Deposit” link.

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Setting on – user cannot view and use the “Add Deposit” link.

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Deny Access to Coverage Expiry List

Setting Name

Setting Description

Deny Access to Coverage Expiry List

Worker will not be able to access the Coverage Expiry List.

“Deny Access to Coverage Expiry List” is in the “Policy Security Settings” section of Security Class setup. When this setting is on in a Security Class, Workers with that Security Class will not see the “Coverage Expiry List” link on the homepage under “Links” and will be unable to view the Coverage Expiry List.


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Setting off – user can view and use the “Coverage Expiry List” link.

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Setting on – user cannot view and use the “Coverage Expiry List” link.

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Deny Access to the Case Service Page

Setting Name

Setting Description

Deny Access to the Case Service page

Worker will not be able to access the Case Service page when accessed from the Service File, Group, or Reference page.

“Deny Access to the Case Service page” is in the “Setup Security Settings” section of Security Class setup. When this setting is on in a Security Class, Workers with that Security Class will be denied access to a Case Service’s page when accessed from the Service File, Group, or Reference page.

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When the setting is on, they will receive this error when accessing the Case Service Page:

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Places the Case Service links can be viewed:

Reference Page when clicking into the Case Service name.

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Group Page when clicking on the Case Service’s name.

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Service File when clicking on the Case Service’s name.

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