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Document Stages
Updated over 3 months ago

The Stages feature enables you to create Initial, Progress, and Close versions of Documents.


While Outcomes Assessments and Surveys automatically include Stages, you can optionally enable Stages in Forms. Letter Documents cannot include Stages.

You can use Stages to track a client’s progress over time (i.e. the Initial Stage sets a baseline, Progress tracks progression over time, and Close reflects the final state). You can optionally implement Stage Rules which allow you to modify which Questions are included in a Document depending on which Stage the client is completing. For example, you can choose to display a Question only for a specific stage, hide a Question for a specific stage, or display the response from a question completed at the Initial stage in Progress and/or Close Stages.

Staged Documents can include one Initial and one Close stage. Similarly, when a responder is completing a Document, they can complete the Initial and Close Stages once each. Both Outcomes Assessments and Forms can include multiple Progress stages and responders can complete Progress Stages multiple times. For example, if assessment updates are completed at a regular interval, you can set up multiple Progress Stages accordingly (Progress – 30 days, Progress – 90 days, Progress – 180 days, etc.).

Enable Stages for a Form Document

Stages are automatically enabled for Outcomes Assessments and Survey Documents.

Enable Stages

1. In the Document, click Use Stage.

2. From the Stage drop-down list, select the stage that you want to add.

3. In the Name field, type a name for the stage.

4. Click Save.

Add a Stage to a Document

Complete this task if you have newly enabled Stages in your Form Document or if you want to include additional Progress Stages for your Outcomes Assessments. Remember, Documents can include only one Initial and Close Stage respectively while Outcomes Assessments and Forms can include multiple Progress Stages.

1. In the Document, in the Stage List section, click Add.

Add a Stage

2. From the Stage drop-down list, select the Stage type you want to create.

3. In the Name field, type a name for the stage.

4. Click Save.

5. Repeat Steps 1-4 for any additional Stages you want to create.

Change the name of a Stage

Because Outcomes Assessments and Survey Documents automatically include Stages, the Stage names are automatically set for you using the naming convention of <Document Name> – <Stage>. You can modify the name of the Stages if you’d like. You can also change the name of a Stage down the line.

Default Stage Names

Stage List with default Stage Names

Custom Stage Names

Stage List with customized Stage Names

  1. In the Document, in the Stages List section, click the name of the stage you want to change.

  2. In the Name field, type a new name.

  3. Click Save.

Remove a Stage from a Document

1. In the Document, in the Stage List section, locate the stage that you want to remove.

2. Next to the Stage that you want to remove, click the minus icon.

Remove a Score

3. Click Okay to confirm your action.

Creating Stage Rules

Stage Rules can be set for the Initial, Progress, and Close stages such that certain questions or groups of questions can be shown or hidden depending on when the Document is being filled out.

Example of Document Stage Rules

There are three Rule options:

Stage Rule Option


Display Initial Stage

Shows data from a chosen Element completed during the Initial Stage of a Document when filling out at the Progress or Close Stage.

Hide For This Stage

Hides the chosen Element so it cannot be filled out for the specified Stage.

Only Show For This Stage

Shows a chosen Element only when filling out the Document at the specified Stage.

Add a Stage Rule

  1. In the Document, in the Revision section, click the Stage Rules

  2. In the stage, you want to apply the stage rule to, click Add.

  3. From the Rule drop-down list, select a Rule type.

  4. In the Apply on section, select which Element you want to apply the Rule to.

  5. Click Save.

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