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Documents and Assessments Feature Glossary
Updated over a week ago

Below you will find a glossary of terms to help you understand the terminology used when creating and using Documents and Outcome Assessments in Penelope.

Inline Question – You now have the choice to set questions as ‘inline,’ meaning the answer will show on a completed document ‘inline’ with the question, as opposed to below it. This can be set on a question-by-question basis.

Radio List – List-type questions can be configured to display as radio buttons, in addition to the held-over options of drop-down lists, suggest lookup lists and checkboxes.

Composite Question – Composite questions allow you to set up questions together so that the answers will all appear on the same line in a document with the question names as column headers. These can be different question types e.g. a composite question can include a drop-down list, multiple date fields and text questions.

Group Question – Questions can also be grouped together in a table-style format. A group is created as an ‘element’. Questions can be added to that element so that they will appear together.

Page – Documents can now be created with separate pages so that users will have the option to click ‘next’ when filling out the document to move onto the next page, as opposed to having to continuously scroll down when filling out a long document.

Stage – The new Stages feature allows you to set Initial (Pre), Progress (Mid) and Close (Post) stages for documents that may need to be filled out during various stages of a client’s service. Outcomes Assessments and Surveys automatically include stages — both will only allow one instance of Initial and Close but Outcomes Assessments can have multiple ‘Progress’ stages e.g. if a document should be filled out for monthly updates. Forms do not automatically use stages, but this can be activated for forms as needed. Letters do not use stages.

Sub-Document – You can now add sub-documents as part of your document setup — this feature allows you to include an already existing document in your new document — this means the ‘sub-document’ will be another page on your new document for users to fill out if necessary. Sub-documents can be made optional or required and will be included in the printout of a document. NOTE: applicable for forms and outcome assessments only.

Scores – You can now create scores and associate them with ‘scored questions’ to track assessment-type scoring in documents. Scores can be classified and weighted, accommodate custom data thresholds, change in scores can be tracked from one document to another, and lots more. You can also create total summary scores that incorporate and tally multiple sub-scores within a document.

Element – When setting up a document, you can add four elements — questions, sections, composite questions and groups.

Flag – Flags can be created and associated with any question — these can prompt (but not force) users to do something based on the response to the question e.g. a critical action that should be taken or a simple reminder to fill out some alternate documentation or alert a colleague. Flags will not display in the document itself when filling it out but will show up in a Flags section at the end before saving the document or on a Flags tab once the document is saved.

Revision – Instead of being edited at the setup level, documents can now be revised. When you create a document you will click ‘finalize’ to make it live. If changes need to be made at a later date, you can add a revision and then finalize it to replace the original. You can always view the revision history to see how often a document has been changed at the setup level.

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