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Service Unit Fee Override
Updated over a week ago

You can override the default Service Unit fee at the Service File level by applying a fee override. The override fee will only be applied to newly added Service Units, existing Service Units (e.g. Service Units that have already been added to the Cart) will not be changed.

Override the Default Service Unit Amount

To override the Service Unit fee follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the applicable Service File.

  2. In the Service Unit Fee Override sidebar click Add.

  3. Enter the Unit Name (suggested field lookup).

  4. Select the Adjust Reason.

  5. Select a Billed To (e.g. FFS Individual or another Individual).

  6. Enter the Override Amount (the new amount for the Service Unit).

  7. Click Save.

If an Override Service Unit Fee has been added to the Service File, the override fee will be applied rather than the default fee. The override fee will not change the fee of any existing Service Units (Cart Items) that were added prior to adding the Service Unit Override Fee.

Delete the Override Service Unit Amount

  1. Navigate to the applicable Service File.

  2. In the Service Unit Fee Override sidebar click the minus (-) icon of the Service Unit you would like to remove.

The Service Unit Override will be immediately removed.

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