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Group Service Units
Updated over a week ago

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There are two different types of Service Units available for use with Groups.

Registration – A Registration Service Unit is a Service Unit which is applied to the first Group event in every Group Service File (e.g. the course fee, a signup fee etc). Registration Service Units are added automatically but can be removed manually from the member’s Group event (found in the member’s Group Service File).

Recurring – A Recurring Service Unit is a Service Unit which applies to all Group events in a Group Service File (e.g. a weekly course fee, entrance fee, meal fee etc). Recurring Service Units can be removed manually from the member’s Group event (found in the member’s Group Service File) or at the time of adding them to the Group (Penelope version and above).

How to Add Service Units to a Group

To add Service Units to a Group (Registration or Recurring) follow the instructions below:

  1. Click Group List from your My Home Page.

  2. In the Results section select the Group you would like to edit an event in (Green dot indicates the Group is open and a red dot indicates the Group is closed).

  3. In the Service Units section select Add.

  4. Select the Type.

  5. Select the Service Unit from the drop-down

  6. Enter the Quantity (must be greater than 0).

  7. Check Active (by default this is already checked).

  8. If a Start Date is required, check the box and enter the date.

  9. If an End Date is required, check the box and enter the date.

  10. Check the Cases you would like to apply the Service Units to. By default, all Cases are checked but can be unchecked if the Service Unit is not required. This feature is only available in Penelope version and above.

  11. Click Save.

  12. Repeat Steps 1 – 11 to add more Service Units.

As of Penelope version – When adding Service Units at the Group level in Penelope it is possible to select which members Service Files the Service Units should be applied to. Previously when adding Service Units at the Group level they would be added to all Group Service File events.

How to Remove Service Units from a Group

To remove Service Units from a Group (Registration or Recurring) follow the instructions below:

  1. Click Group List from your My Home Page.

  2. In the Results section select the Group you would like to edit an event in (Green dot indicates the Group is open and a red dot indicates the Group is closed).

  3. In the Service Units section select minus (-) icon of the Service Unit you would like to delete.

  4. A warning message will appear, click okay.

  5. If for any reason the Service Unit cannot be deleted an error message similar to the one below will be displayed.

The Service Unit will be immediately deleted from all Groups and Group events (unless they have been invoiced). An alternative to deleting Service Units is editing them. This allows more control over which events they are removed from and when.

How to Remove Service Units from the Event Attendee Tab

As of Penelope version, Group Service Units can be removed from a member’s Group Service Event Cart by clicking the minus (-) icon located next to the Service Unit on the Group Event page (Attendance tab). This will only remove the Service Unit from the member’s instance of the group event and not all group events. Previously to delete a Service Unit from an Individual’s Group event it was necessary to do it from the member’s Service Event page.

To remove Service Units from the Group Event Attendee tab, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click Group List from your My Home Page.

  2. In the Results section select the Group you would like to edit an event in (Green dot indicates the Group is open and a red dot indicates the Group is closed).

  3. Select the event you would like to remove the Service Units from (Group Events section).

  4. Select the Attendance tab.

  5. Click the minus (-) icon next to the Service Unit you would like to remove.

  6. A Confirmation box will appear, click okay.

The Service Unit will be immediately removed from the member’s Group Service Event. If it’s removed by accident it can be added again in the Service Event Cart.

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