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SaaS Sandbox Database Options
Updated over 8 months ago

The following database options are available for agencies with a new or renewed contract. All agencies will have access to three (3) databases (Production, Preview and a Training Environment) with further options available should they be required (Migration and Mirrored).

Available Database Options




The Production database is the agencies primary database for day to day use and is included at no additional cost.

This database should not be used for testing or exploring Bonterra, instead we recommend using one of the other available databases (e.g. Training, Migration, Mirrored etc). This will help ensure your Production environment is not negatively impacted.


The Training Option A database allows your agency to test new features and train Workers before your Production database is updated with a new version of Penelope (on the 2nd weekend of every month as per here).

Data in the Training Option A database will be a duplicate (de-identified) of your Production database (at the time of copy). This allows Workers to use real-life scenarios without accessing sensitive PHI information during testing and training. This database can be updated upon request, by submitting a support case, with your agency’s Production data.

Option of Training A or Training B.

The Training Option B database allows your agency to keep both databases (Production and Training Option B) on the same version of Penelope. This makes it easier when testing and training as the databases are always on the same version.

Data in the Training Option B database will be a duplicate (de-identified) of your Production database (at the time of copy). This allows Workers to use real-life scenarios without accessing sensitive PHI information during testing and training. This database can be updated upon request, by submitting a support case, with your agency’s Production data.

Option of Training B or Training A.

The Migration database provides your agency with a temporary database to test migration data before running any migration scripts on your agency's Production database.

Data in the Migration database will be a duplicate of your Production database (at the time of copy). Once your Production database has been copied, a script will be run to migrate the required data. It will then be verified to ensure the script has executed successfully and all data is as intended. This process may be repeated multiple times to ensure all data is correctly migrated and any issues have been resolved.


The Mirrored database provides your agency with a database for ongoing or one-off project needs. Bonterra Software's Tailored Services team can provide services for scripts should you require.

Data in the Mirrored database will be a duplicate of your Production database (at the time of copy).


Important Information

When database copies are made and new versions of Penelope are released, it may be necessary to disable certain functions in Penelope to avoid unwanted actions occurring (e.g. SSO, SMS being sent to clients, Service Events being synchronized with MS Exchange etc). These functions can and do vary between databases.

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