Naar de hoofdinhoud
Ticket Types

Determine ticket types, service charges and VAT per ticket

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Under Settings - Ticketing, all of the ticket types that can be sold are created. You then indicate per event what ticket type is sold at what price and in what way (door/web).

You only enter the basic conditions per ticket type in this screen. So you explicitly do not enter the price of the tickets, only the applicable tax percentages and fees:

  • VAT on ticket: The legally applicable VAT percentage for the type of activity for which the ticket is offered.

  • VAT on service fee: You can differentiate in a different VAT percentage on the fee you charge, but that does not apply in the Netherlands because it is always the same.

  • Online service fee fixed: The fixed amount that is added to the ticket price as service costs for tickets that are sold in the ticket shop. You as the organizer determine this yourself.

  • Online service fee variable: The percentage fee that you want to charge as service costs.

  • Door service fee fixed: The fixed amount that is added to the ticket price for tickets that are sold at the door.

NOTE: The “Door & Web Fees” or service charges you enter here are inclusive of tax.

It is possible to charge service fees for sales via the web or at the door. You are free to determine the amount of the service charges yourself. This is separate from the price agreement made with Stager B.V. So you can charge the amount that Stager charges for handling the ticket sales to your visitors, or you can charge extra service fees, but it is also possible to not charge service fees at all.

It is also possible to set a fee per order in addition to a fee per ticket. This is done via Settings - Ticketing - Defaults - Order fee.

Ticket types to be sold

When creating a ticket type, you can indicate whether it is a Regular, Guest, Locked or Membership ticket. What exactly does that mean?


  • Standard ticket type regular sale.

  • To be sold via the web and at the door.


  • Can be offered online, at the door, via the guest list and send via e-mail to relations that have been created under Contacts.

  • For personalized passes with bar codes.

  • Contacts who have a membership to guest tickets can log into the ticket shop and download free tickets. These tickets are only visible to relations with the right membership.


  • Special (discount) ticket that is offered in the ticket shop after a discount code is entered by a customer or shown at the door.

  • To be sold via the web and at the door.


  • These tickets are only online available.

  • These are intended to give relations a discount when purchasing tickets (e.g. member discount).

  • Contacts who have a membership can log into the ticket shop and purchase discount tickets. Without that membership, they would not see these tickets in the ticket shop.

For more information about this, go to memberships.


  • Offer tickets with a discount for a group of friends or a family, etc.

  • Adjustable number of tickets per ticket type.

  • To be sold via the web and at the door.

For more information about this, go to Group tickets.

NOTE: do not create ticket types with times. If you want multiple shows on one or more days, use 'Series'.

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