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What is "Average Response Time"?
Dougbear the Bugbear avatar
Written by Dougbear the Bugbear
Updated over 3 months ago

What is the Average Response Time?

When messaging a GM, you may see a line of text at the top of the conversation that says "Avg response time:".

This line shows the average length of time it takes that GM to respond to messages on the site.

The time displayed can range from "Less than a minute" to "24+ hours" depending on how quickly the GM tends to respond to their messages.

What does Average Response Time measure?

Average Response Time measures the average time it takes for a GM to reply to a Player's first message. This number doesn't track the GM's all time response, just their response time to the Player's first message.

This is measured over a rolling 28 day period, from Monday through Sunday.

What if I don't see the Average Response Time on my conversation?

Many GMs have long running campaigns where their messages have only been with existing players in their games. Or, they may not have new games listed, so they haven't had any new messages to measure.

If you don't see an Average Response Time time listed on your conversation, it means that the GM has not had any NEW conversations from players that have been started within the last rolling 28 days.

When you start the new conversation with the GM, that data will be included in the next 28 day period.

If I am a GM and my response time is wrong, what should I do?

If there is ever a situation where you believe there is an error in your response time, feel free to reach out to our Support Team and we are more than happy to look into that for you!

When you reach out, make sure to provide any additional information you may have on why you believe the response rate is incorrect so that we can better help you.

Learn all about Average Response Time in this video from our team!

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