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Introduction to Milestones
Updated over a year ago

Milestones are a hefty new addition to Stellic's audit functionality as of February 2022, designed to address non-course requirements. For instance, we commonly see requirements for students to complete thesis proposals, comprehensive exams, clinical hours, etc., but there are often not courses attached to these requirements. Stellic's Milestones functionality is meant to be a way to track these requirements together with a course requirements, all within the student's audit.

This article is meant to be an introduction to what Milestones are and what types are available - for guidance on how to apply these to an audit, please visit our article on "Adding Milestones to Audits".

Milestones are tracked separately from the student's coursework in terms of overall progress - there is a new Milestones progress bar at the top of the student's profile.


There are various types of milestones that Stellic supports:

  • Checking for the presence of student tags

This milestone checks to see whether the student has a particular tag. Tags are customizable per institution - common examples include whether a residency requirement has been met, or whether the student has completed an exam/entrance requirement.

  • Checking for residency hours

This milestone requires the student to take a specific number of residency hours. Residency hours are tracked by the institution and sent to Stellic.

  • Manually satisfied by an individual person

This milestone takes the concept of the manually satisfy audit constraint to a new level of functionality. This milestone allows for you to specify a particular user that is permitted to complete the milestone, whereas the constraint (linked above) can be completed by anyone that has the permission to make an exception on the student's audit requirement. You can also require that the user input additional information in order to mark the milestone as complete, such as comments or a file upload.

There are multiple options to choose from for an individual: the student, the student's primary advisor (if available), or a specified admin user within Stellic.

  • Manually satisfied by multiple people

This milestone is similar to the one above, but you can specify multiple people to be involved in the process, and you can specify which people should be included. There are a lot of options for configuration in this milestone - the milestone can be satisfied by all of the specified users, or just one. You can allow for multiple attempts. You can also require that the user input additional information in order to mark the milestone as complete, such as comments or a file upload.

  • Manually satisfied by a group

This milestone is similar to the one above, but instead of specifying a number of users, you can specify a particular group. Groups within Stellic need to be set up by a Stellic superadmin - contact your campus's Stellic administrator for questions about setting up groups.

  • Minimum cumulative GPA requirement

This milestone is only fulfilled if the student's cumulative GPA is at or above the specified level.

  • Tracking credits per term

This milestone requires that the student take at least a specified number of credits per term. The student must meet the credit requirement for every term they are enrolled or the requirement will not be marked as satisfied.

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