If you are new to Milestones, please visit our article on Introduction to Milestones before proceeding. This article specifically discusses how to add Milestones to the audit (this requires audit editing permission - please contact your institution's Stellic admin if you need assistance on this).
To add Milestones to an audit, select the option to "add more sub-requirements", and then select the "Milestone/Other" option.
You will need to select the requirement type. A brief description of the options is available in our introduction article, but we'll look at more specific functionality below.
"Manually satisfy" Milestones
There are several milestones that require a user or several users to go to the student's audit and check off the requirement as complete. These Milestones have similar functionality to the "manually satisfy" audit constraints, but also take the approvals to the next level. Another benefit to the Milestones is that users specified here can complete the requirements, whereas using the audit constraint means that the requirement can only be satisfied by a user with the ability to make an exception on the student.
The core functionality for these milestones are similar, so we'll start by looking at some of the overlapping features of the following milestones:
Manually satisfied by multiple people
Manually satisfied by a group
Manually satisfied by an administrative member
Manually satisfied by a primary advisor
Manually satisfied by a student
Similar to the functionality of some Stellic constraints, selecting any of these options from the requirement type dropdown menu will bring up the requirement you selected, but you'll still have the option to select one of the similar Milestones from a dropdown menu within the editor.
Each of these options allows you to indicate whether multiple attempts are allowed, or whether you want the user to provide additional information in order to satisfy the Milestone.
Allowing multiple attempts: If you do not select this option, by default the milestone will allow one attempt. This means that if someone comes in and marks the requirement as "not approved", the requirement will not be fulfilled. However, the same user can edit their decision later.
To allow for the student to attempt the milestone multiple times (perhaps in the instance of retaking an exam, resubmitting a paper, etc.), check the box next to "Multiple attempts allowed". Leaving this field blank will allow an unlimited number of attempts, but you can also specify a max number of attempts to complete the requirement.
Require additional information to satisfy: Selecting this option means that the person(s) completing this Milestone may need to do more than just click the button to mark the requirement as completed. Additional information can be:
A text field(s): You'll need to input the title and any explanatory text that you want to provide to the person completing this Milestone. Checking the box "Visible to Students" means that the information input into the textbox will be visible by the student - unchecking it means that the information will only be visible to admin users that can view the student's audit. Checking the "Required" box means that completing this text field is mandatory in order to complete the Milestone. You can have more than one text field per Milestone.
File upload: This allows the person that is approving/not approving the Milestone for the student to upload a document. Only one file upload is permitted per Milestone. Similar to above, you can allow the file uploaded to be visible to students or not, and you can also mark this as a required field for proceeding.
This covers the major similarities between these Milestones - lets take a look at each option individually:
Manually satisfied by multiple people: Allows for a list of multiple people that can satisfy the Milestone. Options can include the student, specific admin users, or the student's primary advisor (if applicable). You can specify that all users have to approve to complete the Milestone, meaning that if one person out of the group doesn't approve the Milestone is not satisfied, or that only one user needs to approve for the Milestone to show as fulfilled.
Manually satisfied by group: Allows for the Milestone to be satisfied by any member of a group. Groups in Stellic need to be set up by a Stellic superadmin - please contact your institution's Stellic admin for assistance or questions. The functionality that requires all members of a group to satisfy the Milestone in order to mark it as fulfilled is forthcoming.
Manually satisfied by primary advisor/student/administrative member: These three Milestones act similarly in that only one person needs to satisfy the Milestone in order for it to be completed. Primary advisor may not apply for your institution, but for institutions that do use this function, only the student's primary advisor can satisfy the milestone. Student indicates the student in the audit as students do not have access to each others profiles. Administrative member means any admin user in Stellic - you will need to specify the person when creating the Milestone.
Requirement Milestones
The following Milestones are more passive in that they require the student to complete something that is being tracked through a Milestone. There is typically no manual user intervention needed in order to fulfill these Milestones.
Maintain [x] CGPA: This requires the student to have a cumulative GPA at or above the listed criteria. The student's cumulative GPA is a value that is sent to Stellic by the institution, and the Milestone will simply check whether the value of the student's CGPA is at or above the value listed in the Milestone.
Complete [x] residency hours: This requires the student to complete a set number of residency hours. Residency hours are a value that is sent to Stellic by the institution via the data feed - if this is not something your institution is currently doing, check with your institution's Stellic admin for assistance in using this feature. Note: Institutions not currently sending residency hours will not see this milestone appear until it is activated by Stellic.
Greater than or equal to [x] [institutional data]:This requirement looks at any numerically based custom field data being sent by the institution and enforces that the student has a value greater than or equal to a minimum value. This was implemented for some of our partners that had complicated GPAs that they were already calculating - in the example below, the Milestone selected is "greater than or equal to [x] [institutional data]", but the user is then able to additionally select which custom field institutional data to use. In this example, that is a Physics GPA being sent in the institution's data.
Complete [x] units per term: This requires the student to complete a set number of credits per term. This Milestone looks at the number of completed credits per each term that the student is enrolled - if the student enrolls in a number below the specified amount for any term, this Milestone will not be marked as completed.
Check Milestone
Presence of Tag [x] in student record: This Milestone checks whether or not the student has a particular tag attached to them. Common uses of this Milestone are to check for things that the institution tracks, such as passing an exam, admission requirements, language proficiencies, etc. You can specify multiple tags, and then whether the student needs to have all of the specified tags, or any of the specified tags.