Need to make a change to your account? Check out these frequently asked questions. If you don't see a question answered here, email us at
How are users charged?
Users are charged at the organization level. If you're on the Professional plan, 3 users are included in this subscription. If the account admin has already paid, you will not be asked to pay.
If you're on a Custom plan, the number of users will vary based upon your needs.
How many data connections can I have on the professional plan?
If you're on the Professional Plan, you're able to connect 3 data sources per data source. For example, this means you can connect three different Amazon accounts. If you are on the Custom plan, you'll be able to connect more data sources.
How can I get more than 3 users or 3 data sources connected to Stoke?
If you need to connect more users or data sources to Stoke, send us an email at We'll reach out to you to understand your needs and will customize a solution for you.
How do I know when my 14 day trial is over?
Under "Subscriptions & Billing," click on "Manage Billing In Stripe." Here you'll be able to see how many days you have left in your 14 day trial.
How do I cancel my subscription?
If you need to cancel your Stoke subscription, follow these steps in your Stoke account:
Click on the profile icon in the top right hand corner.
Click on "Subscriptions & Billing" and then click the "Manage Billing In Stripe" button
Next to your plan details, click "Cancel plan"
Give Stoke feedback on why you're choosing to cancel
How do I completely delete my Stoke account?
Email, and we’ll delete your account and account data for you.