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Release Notes

Release notes of versions

Written by Stokkup Services
Updated over 2 years ago

Decorator Platform Version 2.16.5 | Release date: 03.07.23

Decorator Platform Version 2.16.4 | Release date: 02.08.23

  • Purchase Orders Module

    • When emailing a Purchase Order within this module, a user will now be able to add Cc and/or Bcc email contacts.

    • Fixed a bug that was not allowing the vendor to be edited inside a Purchase Order.

    • Added a search bar within the Vendor select menu where users can search a find Vendors more easily.

    • Fixed a bug where Products were sometimes not being sorted correctly by Product/Color/Size on a Purchase Order.

  • Dashboard Module

    • Average Order Items & Average Order Amount will now display metrics if a date range is provided.

Client Platform Version 2.0.4 | Release date: 01.31.23

  • Request Estimate

    • Renamed "New Estimate" page header to "Request New Estimate".

    • Renamed "Create Estimate" to "Request Estimate".

    • Removed the Request Estimate banner message.

    • The User's email will now be defaulted as a collaborator when requesting an Estimate. Users can then manage their collaborators & add/remove at their own discretion. One collaborator is required to submit an estimate.

  • Dashboard

    • Added a Request Estimate button onto the Dashboard that will direct you to the Request Estimate feature.

    • Added a "Last Year" filter within the Order Metric graphs that will display metrics of the previous year.

Decorator Platform Version 2.16.3 | Release date: 01.20.23

  • Order Module

    • Fixed a bug that would pull an incorrect date when printing an invoice with no In-Hands date provided.

    • Users will now be able to search for products by pressing "enter" to improve user-experience.

  • Art Module

    • Users will now be able to right-click on a Design Id & open link to a new tab or window.

Client Platform Version 2.0.3 | Release date: 11.15.22

  • Login

    • Create an account

      • Fixed a bug where creating an account will sometimes show no decorators.

Decorator Platform Version 2.16.2 | Release date: 11.15.22

  • Art Module

    • Art table view

      • Fixed a bug that was preventing users from sorting columns alphabetically when clicking a column header.

      • Within the Art Approval pdf file - Order mockup images will not show up if an image is not provided when printing. Save paper!

  • Affiliate Orders Module

    • Affiliate Orders table view

      • Fixed a bug that was miscalculating total impressions for Affiliate orders that have multiple designs.

      • The "revenue" column will now dynamically update whenever its parent order is updated in the Orders module. This will improve user experience when working between multiple modules allowing for real-time metric updates.

Client Platform Version 2.0.2 | Release date: 10.31.22

  • Orders Module

    • Order Detail View

      • Fixed a bug that was preventing users from viewing a product within a design.

      • The order detail view now supports all mobile devices! Users can now view/use the platform on all standard mobile, tablet, laptop or desktop devices.

Decorator Platform Version 2.16.2 | Release date: 10.31.22

  • Orders Module

    • Users will now be able to reset any date column within the Orders table view to improve user experience.

Decorator Platform Version 2.16.1 | Release date: 09.14.22

  • Shipping Module

    • Shipping Table Search Update

      • when searching, no filters will be selected by default. Search will look at all orders

    • Allow search by PO name

    • Remove assigned shipper on Re-Order

    • Shipping Box Options update to add a search

    • Manifest and packing slips file names have been corrected

      • previously when clicking on manifest and downloading the file, the file name would say packing slip

      • previously when clicking on packing slip and downloading the file, the file name would say shipping manifest

      • both will now have the correct name

  • Finishing Icon Update

    • If an order contains "Rush" as a finishing item, the F in the production queue/ board will not show

Client Platform Version 2.0.1 | Release date: 09.09.22

  • Client Platform

    • Login Redesign

      • The Stokkup Client Platform (previously known as Client Portal) has received a new look to improve user experience.

    • Orders Module Redesign

      • Viewing orders are reorganized into 4 tabs:

        • Estimates, In Production, Completed and All

          • By default, the In Production tab will be opened.

        • Search is available by tab. If you are looking to search across all orders, then All tab is recommended to search in.

  • Decorator Platform Version 2.16.0 | Release date: 08.01.22

    • New feature: Disable Inventory Control

      • Users will now have the option to input any quantity when adding or editing a product inside the Order module by enabling the "Disable inventory control" checkbox.

      • Payment History inside an Order will now not display any rounded payment amounts.

Decorator Platform: Version 2.15.0 | Release date: 06.24.22

  • Decorator Platform:

    • Press Instructions are now rearranged to show Notes & Design Mockup on page 1 for more detail visibility at a glance.

    • Artists will now not carry over in a re-order in the Art module. This will provide more clarity in scheduling artist to jobs.

    • Users will now be able to filter by "unassigned" orders in the Art module.

Version 2.14.0 | Release date: 06.16.22

  • Decorator Platform:

    • Shipping Markup within an order One Time Charges is now adjustable

Version 2.13.4 | Release date: 06.13.22

  • Decorator Platform:

    • Inputing a Vendor when searching for a Product in a Design is now optional

    • The Location column within the Orders table now properly displays the location name per order

    • Order statuses now show up for all Stokkup users inside the the Production Queue, Embroidery Queue, & Finishing Queue

    • Users can now filter by multiple Order Statuses & Artists in the Art module

Version 2.13.3 | Release date: 05.27.22

  • Decorator Platform:

    • Added Order statuses to the Production Queue, Embroidery Queue, & Finishing Queue.

    • Added Asset Icons & Order statuses to the Shipping module.

      • Icon Breakdown:

        • Production Queue

          • S - Screens

            • Color - Gray: No Screens are made

            • Color - Orange: Screen are partially complete

            • Color - Green : All Screens complete

          • G - Garments

            • Color - Gray: No Garments

            • Color - Light Blue: Garments partially arrived

            • Color - Dark Blue: All Garments arrived

            • Color - Yellow: Garments partially received

            • Color - Green: All Garments received & available

          • I - Ink

            • Color - Gray: No Ink

            • Color - Green: Ink is ready to use

          • F - Finishing (Only will show if order has Finishing)

            • Color - Gray: Order has Finishing

        • Embroidery Queue

          • A - Art

            • Color - Gray: Art is not ready

            • Color - Green: Art is ready

          • G - Garments

            • Color - Gray: No Garments

            • Color - Light Blue: Garments partially arrived

            • Color - Dark Blue: All Garments arrived

            • Color - Yellow: Garments partially received

            • Color - Green: All Garments received & available

          • T - Thread

            • Color - Gray: No Thread

            • Color - Green: Thread is ready to use

          • F - Finishing (Only will show if order has Finishing)

            • Color - Gray: Order has Finishing

        • Shipping Module

          • **NEW** D - Decoration (Only will show if all Positions are marked as complete on the Schedule board)

            • Color - Green: All Decoration is complete. Order is ready-to-ship

          • S - Screens/Art

            • Color - Gray: No Screens/Art are made

            • Color - Orange: Screens/Art are partially complete

            • Color - Green : All Screens/Art complete

          • G - Garments

            • Color - Gray: No Garments

            • Color - Light Blue: Garments partially arrived

            • Color - Dark Blue: All Garments arrived

            • Color - Yellow: Garments partially received

            • Color - Green: All Garments received & available

          • I - Ink/Thread

            • Color - Gray: No Ink/Thread

            • Color - Green: Ink/Thread is ready to use

          • F - Finishing (Only will show if order has Finishing)

            • Color - Gray: Order has Finishing

Version 2.13.2 | Release date: 05.16.22

  • Decorator Platform:

    • Removed payment due date from invoices for simplicity.

    • Reverted the Inventory module back to an earlier version which brings back filters.

  • Client Portal: Fixed product image carousels to accommodate Custom Products inside the Catalog

Version 2.13.1 | Release date: 05.09.22

  • Decorator Platform: Upon creating a new Order, display charges will now default as "No". This will hide additional charges on Order invoices when they are generated. You can opt to show the charges by switching display charges to "Yes".

Version 2.13.0 | Release date: 04.27.22

  • Introducing: Custom Products - Available at

    • New Interface for an improved, more modern user experience

  • View & Edit existing Custom Products to manage products on the fly

  • Customize & build products that meet your needs to sell to your clients

  • Establish Dynamic Pricing that will update automatically based on the quantity of units ordered so you don't have too

  • Newly created Custom Products are instantly available to the public via the Catalog

  • Seamlessly add newly created custom products in your Stokkup orders

  • Inventory Module - Available at

    • Modern UI overhaul & mobile responsiveness

    • Dynamically add products & manage their inventory quantities + locations

Version 2.12.2 | Release date: 02.11.22

  1. UPC codes are now visible when printing Packing Slips in the Shipping Module.

  2. Fixed a bug preventing Credit Card payments from recording Users inside an Order's payment history.

Version 2.12.1 | Release date: 02.08.22

  1. Decorator Platform: Added a User column within Payment Options to record the name of the active user when a payment is made.

  2. Decorator Platform: Fixed a bug that prevented the Artist Counts table within Dashboard 2.0 from functioning correctly.

Version 2.12.0 | Release date: 02.07.22

  1. Decorator Platform: New Feature - Users will now have the option to add individual "product codes" under the UPC column for each product in the Orders module.

  2. Client Portal: Product details for orders are now viewable in the Client Portal for clients to go and view underneath "View product details".

    1. For each Order>Design>Product: UPC, Size, Qty data are visible on the Client Portal and will update based on inputed in the Decorator Platform.

3. Client Portal: Changed the favicon browser title to read as "CP: Stokkup Client Portal" for better user experience when working between the Client Portal & the Decorator Platform.

4. Decorator Platform: New payment options have been added:

  • Pay by Check

  • Pay by Wire/ACH

  • Users will now be able to record amounts paid by Check or Wire/ACH along with a corresponding Reference Number. Any new payment records will appear within the Payment History tab.

Version 2.11.2 | Release date: 12.20.21

  1. Art Auto Status for company 100015 has been fixed. New logic will only allow a status to change to the next one if it's only in Art Review and then onto Production. Status will not move backwards.

  2. In Purchase Orders, when sending an email, the email of the vendor will populate instead of the clients'.

Version 2.11.1 | Release date: 12.09.21

  1. Removed the requirement to have a phone number when creating a new client

  2. Corrected Shipping Auto Status - new logic will only change the status forward. Meaning if all boxes are complete and then changed after its already completed, the status will not change.

Version 2.11.0 | Release date: 11.15.21

  1. Users will now be able to manage Inventory via Stokkup's new Inventory module.

2. Clicking the Export Order Queue button in the Affiliate Orders module will now sort the column data to better match what's seen in the Affiliate Order table-view for more continuity.

3. Setting Display Charges as "No" inside an order will now properly remove all charges from displaying in its corresponding invoice PDF file.

Version 2.10.1 | Release date: 11.15.21

  1. Override per line item will now update the product item totals automatically.

Version 2.10.0 | Release date: 10.13.21

  1. Override per line item is now available for products. The global override which changed every size for that product is now depreciated. Moving forward, you are allowed to enter an override price for each size and it will display correctly in the invoice as well.

Version 2.9.1 | Release date: 9.29.21

  1. Added functionality to search by Customer PO in the Receiving's Module.

Version 2.9.0 | Release date: 9.22.21

  1. Users will now have the option to create a Purchase Order & Receiving Order when approving an order in the Orders module.

    1. Once "Create Invoice" is selected, the option for "Create Purchase Order" & "Create Receiving Order" will appear.

    2. This feature will only work for orders that are in an Order-Estimate status before clicking on "Approve Order".

      1. Any manual Order-Status changes into Order-Estimate will prohibit users from creating new Purchase/Receiving Orders via this feature.

  2. Added "Sync with QBO" column within the Orders module.

    1. A "Sync" symbol will appear under this column for orders that have been successfully synced to your Quickbooks account.

      1. Orders without a "Sync" symbol signify orders that have not been successfully synced to your Quickbooks account.

      2. Clicking on the "Sync" symbol for an order will redirect you to it's corresponding record inside your Company's online Quickbooks portal

        (QBO login required).

    2. This feature will not work if your company does not has an active Quickbooks integration in Stokkup.

Version 2.8.3 | Release date: 9.14.21

  1. Retrieving inventory from S&S will now include live inventory updates from their Nevada & Drop-ship warehouses.

Version 2.8.2 | Release date: 9.13.21

  1. Added the ability to adjust the text for the client portal link on PDFs

    2. Added the scheduled date viewable on the order page table view. If the 1st position is not scheduled there will be no date.

    3. Added a wrap effect for the job name on the orders module table view.

Version 2.8.1 Release date: 9.10.21

  1. Added link to the PDF Invoices to log in to the client portal

  2. Fixed bug with saved credit cards not always showing within an order

  3. Added Order Name to the Job Card in the Production Board

Version 2.8.0 | Release date: 8.06.21

  1. Modified how items are pushed to Quickbooks. Each sizes is now pushed through vs one line item for all sizes. This gives the exact total amount for each size.

Version 2.7.2 | Release date: 7.27.21

  1. Added design function to view natively Total quantity ordered - MD/SPoilage entered in shipping module = Total quantity to bill.

2. Updated logic that calculates totals.

Version 2.7.1 | Release date: 7.01.21

  1. Broke apart logic for average order sell price to splitting each size so the user can view the sell price per size.

2. Updated PDFs to match A

Version 2.7.0

Re-Design: Order Design Module

The positions/design module within the orders module has been updated. Previously, the page was taking roughly 5+ seconds to load. With the new update, the page is loading in < 1 second. Dramatic improvement. In addition the layout has been updated / improved. The product section now includes a size cost breakdown. One no longer needs to add a second product to view the cost breakdown per size. These updates are reflecting in the Invoice PDF as well.

Release Notes: v2.6.0

Re-Design: Orders Module

The orders module has been updated. Previously, the page was taking roughly 5+ seconds to load. With the new update, the page is loading in < 1 second. Dramatic improvement. Any updates to the order can now be done inline and no longer need to click on the 3 dots near the Order Information section.

Release Notes: v2.5.0

Re-Design: Affiliate Module

The affiliates module has been redesigned. The new look contains inline editing a lot with specific statuses for the Affiliate Orders (only). An increase in the loading of the page has been made and cost information has been added. One is now able to view margins for a specific affiliate order

Release Notes: v2.4.3

Update: Finishing Items for a Product in Order Design are now formatted inline

When one is looking at a product within a design, the finishing items would display in a table format. With the new update they will be displaying below the product cost information and description. Now the user will be able to select all items that are required for a product and then be able to save changes (by clicking on the button). Loading will no longer be required after each item update. Only load will be upon "SAVE FINISHING"

Release Notes: v2.4.2

Update: S&S Product Library Updated

The S&S Product Library is now updated in Stokkup on a daily basis.

Release Notes: v2.4.1

Update: Removed the Error Message when sending an Email

When sending an email, a message will display stating: "Your access to TinyMCE will expire on 25 February 2021". This has now been updated and no longer displaying the message.

Release Notes: v2.4.0

New Feature: Quality Control - Detailed Information

The quality control feature was created to provide closer insights to damages and defective items. Currently, updates to damages and defective units, needs to be done through the production queue and specifically the position card. For further information on using this new feature, please CLICK HERE

Release Notes: v2.3.16

Bug Fix: Dashboard Data

The Dashboard information was not reflecting correctly. It has been adjusted and modified to display the correct data for a running 12 months.

Bug Fix: Duplicate data displayed in the schedule board

There are duplicate cards displaying in the schedule board. Update has been made to remove the duplicates.

Release Notes: v2.3.15

Bug Fix: Update Art Approvals Title Naming

In Art Approvals PDF, placement type is mising on the position name. It is now added and reflecting similar to press instructions

Bug Fix: Duplicate data displayed in the schedule board

There are duplicate cards displaying in the schedule board. Update has been made to remove the duplicates.

Release Notes: v2.3.14

Feature: Inline editing for Affiliate Orders

Affiliate orders will now have inline editing for the order information fields

Release Notes: v2.3.13

Feature: Shipping Only PDFs

When an order only has shipping on it, the PDFs should display the correct charges.

Release Notes: v2.3.12

Feature: Remove Requirement for Addresses

When a new contact is added for a client, the address is no longer a requirement

Release Notes: v2.3.11

Feature: Remove dependency for having a position/product

Removed requirement to have a product / position when approving an order (new order)

Release Notes: v2.3.10

Hot Fix: Auto Status Not Working

Prior update caused issue and has been correct to fix the auto status moving forward.

Release Notes: v2.3.9

Bug Fix: Client Order Status Disappears

Auto Status not working for other clients. Auto Status has been changed to only work a specific company (CS).

Release Notes: v2.3.8

Feature: Update Affiliate PDF Invoice #

Updated the format for the invoice number in the PDF to include the order number

Release Notes: v2.3.7

Bug Fix: Payment Due Date Incorrect

Payment due date is currently being calculated as 30 days from the created date. It has been updated to 30 days from the invoice date or the first time the order was pushed to Quickbooks.

Release Notes: v2.3.6

Feature: New Art Department Dashboard

Added new dashboard for the art department that will display the counts for each art team member

Bug Fix: Remove display charges when set to off

When show position charges is set to off then the Invoice will not show the charges

Bug Fix: Art Approval PDF not showing notes

Added the external notes to show in the Art Approval PDF

Bug Fix: When orders are sent through the 'bridge' there is no affiliate button

All orders will now have an affiliate button.

Release Notes: v2.3.5

Feature: Create new placement type

Added new placement type so when populated, it will pull into the system

Bug Fix: Removed Auto Sync from 'Shipping / Packing' Status

Removed the auto sync for the 'Shipping / Packing' Status.

Release Notes: v2.3.4

Bug Fix: Auto Status changing back

When an already is already in a status > finishing the status will no longer be allowed to change. Anything already in a status > finishing should not "Auto Status"

Bug Fix: Quickbooks auto sync when in 'Shipped / Picked Up' not working

Fixed the issue preventing the auto sync to qbo.

Release Notes: v2.3.3

Bug Fix: Auto Status from Production to Finishing/Ready to ship updating before all positions are complete

When all positions have been completed, and marked complete, the order status will change to Shipped/Picked up.

Feature: Auto Status from Ready to Ship to Shipped/Picked up

When All boxes have shipped, the Order Status changes automatically to Shipped/Picked Up

Feature: Add a custom footer to your invoices

In Settings -> Company Profile, a new field has been added for Footer Text that will display at the end of an invoice.

Release Notes: v2.3.2

Bug Fix: Mailchimp not syncing new contacts

When a new contact is added for a client, it is now syncing the client to your mailchimp account.

Bug Fix: Duplicate data displayed in the schedule board

There are duplicate cards displaying in the schedule board. Update has been made to remove the duplicates.

Release Notes: v2.3.1

Feature: Auto Status from Production to Finishing or Shipping/Packing

When screens all screens have been burnt, the order status automatically changes to Production.

Feature: Add Artist to Press Instructions and Production Job Card

The assigned artist will now display on the press instructions as well as the job card.

Update: Production Schedule Permissions

Add Company Admin to allow to update Production Schedule

Release Notes: v2.3.0

Feature: Auto Status from Screen Room to Production

When screens all screens have been burnt, the order status automatically changes to Production.

Feature: Export Orders View

The orders table will now have an export button that will allow you to export your current view into an Excel File. The filters have also been updated to include the create start date and create end date. This way you can pull orders that fall within that range. Keep in mind, the create start date will only allow you to select a max end date 6 months from that date.

Feature: Production Schedule Permissions

Currently the Production Schedule Board allows anyone to move the jobs around. With this new update, only the Facility Manager will be allowed to move the cards around but everyone else will still be able to access the individual cards.

Release Notes: v2.2.0

Feature: Inline editing for dates in Orders

The orders table now allows one to change the dates for Garment Date, Shipping Date, and Due Date without having to go inside each order.

Release Notes: v2.1.3

Bug Fix - Cannot Create Affiliate Orders

When an affiliate order is created, it continues to spin and doesn't complete. Issue was corrected and is now creating orders as well as notes are pulling through.

Release Notes: v2.1.3

Bug Fix - Cannot Create Affiliate Orders

When an affiliate order is created, it continues to spin and doesn't complete. Issue was corrected and is now creating orders as well as notes are pulling through.

Release Notes: v2.1.2

Bug Fix - Notes not displaying when sending to Affiliate

When an affiliate order is created and sent to the Affiliate, the Affiliate does not see any notes that were sent with the order. Fixed the issue and notes entered in the Affiliate Notes section are now coming through.

Release Notes: v2.1.1

Bug Fix - Error When Printing Invoice

When printing an Invoice from the invoice table, there is an error that is thrown. Issue has been corrected and one is able to click under Options Columns and Download PDF.

Release Notes: v2.1.0

Update Art Auto Status

When marking a design within Art as Approved, and the placement type in all the designs is not Embroidery, then the Order Status will change to Screen Room. If the design placement type is Embroidery, then the Order Status will change to Embroidery Dept. upon approval of the design.

All line breaks in Notes

When you add line breaks within the Internal and External Notes, they will carry over on the PDFs as well.

Release Notes: v2.0.2

Update Art Module Filters

The Art Table will now filter the data via the API. Both Art Status, Order Type, and Artist can be filtered.

Update Shipping Module Filters

The Shipping Table will now filter the data via the API.

Allow Shipper Associate to Cancel Shipment

Users that have the Shipper Associate Permission will now be allowed to cancel any shipments.

Allow Edit to Associate Notes with Associate Orders

Users will now be able to edit any Associate Notes that are created.

Release Notes: v2.0.1

Bug Fix: Press Instructions Not Loading

Fixed error with printing press instructions without any finishing.

Release Notes: v2.0.0 (Major Release)

Notes Re-Design

Notes has been redesigned throughout Stokkup. This new feature now provides you with the option to set "Internal" and "External" Notes. Internal Notes means they are only available in Stokkup and is for internal use only. External Notes means they are available and displayed in all invoices. One will be able to view these notes throughout the different modules. I.E If one creates a note in the Art Design (Art Module) for a specifc order, it wil be viewable in the Orders Module. These notes will be labeled as Internal Notes and External Notes.

Press Instructions Update

Any product that contains any packing information will now be included in the Press Instructions PDF (located in Art Module ). Similar to how the different departments checkboxes are displayed (see image)

Art Module Update

The Art Module Home screen table not contains an additional column, that will allow one to assign an artist to a specific order. Filters added at the top will allow you to filter by Artist or Filter by Order Status (see image). Once the Artist is selected, this will trigger an update to the order which you can see in the order itself (Order Screen).

Shipping Module Update

Similar to the Art Module above, the Shipping Module has been updated to include the Shipper Assigned Column and Notes Columns. Filter added at the top will allow you to filter by Assigned Shipper. If an order contains a note, the notes column will display a button with the total number of notes for that order. If clicked, a modal will pop up and one will be able to see all the notes for that specific order (both internal and external).

Release Notes: v1.3.1

Quickbooks Error Messages Improvements

When an error occurs with Quickbooks, in the orders tab, the error messages continue to display on the screen regardless of the page selected. Updates have been made that will have the errors disappear after 5 seconds.

Invoice PDF Display Charges Improvements

When selecting 'Display Charges' (within a specific order) to No, the charges are completely removed from the Invoice PDF file. Update has been made to where the Charges Text will display, but not show the amount.

Release Notes: v1.3.0

Mail Chimp Sync

When a new contact is added for a client, that client was not being synced into mail chimp. Update has been made where as soon as you create a new contact, it will immediately sync with Mail Chimp.

Country/State Population Improvements

When a country is already populated for a client in the 'Company Information' and you click on the state, the state does not contain any data. State will now populate as soon as you select on the country (and click out of it)

New Client Submission Improvements

When adding a new client and submitting, the application continues to load. One would need to reload the page in order to see the new client created. In this update, when a client is created, the creation process will complete and display without needing to reload.

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