You can tailor the text and fields displayed on your Storefront booking form to suit your business. Here's what you can do and how:
Collect extra customer details
Visit your Booking form edit page. At the top, you'll find a section for Form fields with the following options:
Home address
Address, City/town, Postcode, Country
Customer type
Home, Business, Student, Local authority, Charity
Storage use case
Business needs, Moving home, More space/declutter, Refurb/renovation, Going abroad/travelling, Other
Marketing source
Used before, Recommendation, Received leaflet, Seen building/signs, Seen advert, Google search, Other online search, Social media, Other
You can turn on or off these options at any time by pressing the toggle beside them. You can also control whether the customer is required to complete the field or not. Once you've made changes, Save the form, and they will appear on your Storefront instantly.
Good to know: You'll find this info in your new booking emails and on the contacts profile.
Customise insurance, and please note text
Here you can also update the text displayed in your insurance section (if you chose to sell it), and the please note text that appears just before the customer submits the form.
The please note section is a great place to let new customers know about your move-in procedure, or to inform them of any additional charges that will happen later like a deposit.
Custom agreement text
The booking form includes agreement text at the bottom with a checkbox which the visitor must tick in order to complete the form.
By default, Stora autogenerates agreement text for each unit type based on your current set up. Within the text, visitors are asked to agree to your terms, privacy policy and insurance/protection (only if you are selling this for the unit type being booked).
However, you can instead replace this text with your own. To do so, toggle on the "custom agreement text" section at the bottom of the booking form. When enabled, you'll see that you must provide two different versions of your custom agreement text:
Agreement with insurance/protection
Agreement without insurance/protection
Regardless of if you sell insurance/protection, you must provide both in order to ensure that Stora always has text available to show for each scenario.
You can customise your text to say anything you like, but you must make sure that when you mention Terms, Privacy Policy and Insurance/Protection Policy, you use the editor tools to link to the page manually so the visitor knows what they are agreeing to. With custom text, you take control and responsibility for ensuring this is correct.
π‘ Should you use custom agreement text, please visit your booking form and click the links in the custom agreement text to ensure it works correctly.