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Learn how to use tasks in Stora to manage your day-to-day operations.

Updated over 7 months ago

Use Tasks to keep your to-do list in Stora so you can stay on top of your leads and day-to-day operations.

How it works

There are several ways to create tasks in Stora. Which approach you take depends on if you want your task to relate to a specific resource or not.

Tasks related to specific Contacts, Subscriptions, Units or Sites

In Stora, you can relate tasks to a specific Contact, Subscription, Unit or Site by visiting the page for the resource you wish to relate the task to. Once there, you'll find a tasks section on the top right. Create the task from there, and it will be automatically related to the resource. All tasks related to the resource can be seen here, or you can see these tasks amongst all of your tasks on the Tasks page.

If you create a task for a Subscription or Unit, they will automatically be linked to the relevant Site too. This means that on your Site pages, you'll see every task related to a site.

General tasks

If you don't want your task to relate to a Contact, Subscription, Unit or Site, you can simply visit the Tasks page from the side, and create a task from the blue button in the top right.

Creating tasks

When you've launched the task creation pop-up, you can create a task by simply describing it. Everything else is optional or can be added later.

Assigning tasks and notifying assignees

When creating a task, you can assign any team member to a Stora account. When you assign, you'll be given an option to email them their task assignment.

Adding due dates and extra details.

While creating your task and extra details, you can set a due date. Extra details also give you full text formatting, meaning you can add titles, links, and even images.

How to manage tasks

On the Tasks page, you'll see a list of all tasks across your account by default. You can use the filters at the top to drill down and see specific tasks for certain assignees, for a specific Site, related to a specific resource, and more.

You can also search for a task name and change the Sort order from the Sort button on the right.

Viewing tasks

Select any task to view it in more detail. You can edit or complete it from here, and you'll also be able to add notes to update the task or discuss it with your team.

Completing tasks

Simply click the checkbox to the left of the task name, and it will be marked as complete.

Reopening completed tasks

You can see your completed tasks by selecting Incomplete from the status filter on the Tasks page. You can then untick the checkbox should you wish to reopen it.

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