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View History Tab
Written by Noam Karoly
Updated over a week ago


How to find where you can view the History tab for a PO to see who created it and when, along with any revisions or updates.


When looking at Purchase Order you may want to know who originally created it and when, and also any changes that have been made to it along the way. The History tab is where you can go to find all of this information.

Things to Consider

  • Only Available for PO’s at this time.

  • We will continue to make updates to this feature over the next month including adding the billed quantities and invoice logs and adding a change history tab to RFQ's.


  • History Tab within Purchase Order

History Tab within Purchase Order

  1. Click into a PO first and then select ‘History’

  2. Timestamps will indicate when it was created and by whom, along with any updates as well.


Contact Support:

  • Live Chat with Support through StructShare:

    • Click on ‘Talk to Support’ on the left side of your screen.

  • Email Support:

  • Call Support:

    • ‪(512) 222-3716‬

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