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What can be configured for Leads

Overview of Leads and Enquiries configuration options

Clive avatar
Written by Clive
Updated over a week ago

Before letting your staff access the leads section of the system it is advised that you configure leads for their use in line with their current workflow.

This part of the setup requires complete Employee > System Access rights to three sections for different reasons namely:

  1. Settings  -  For Leads Management and System Actions

  2. Communications - For setting up email Templates  which are linked to Lead
    > Activities > Templates

  3. Companies - For adding Company Types and Companies which are linked to Leads Management > Campaigns

We'll now summarise the various aspects which need to be configured and why:

Leads Management

  • Workflow - This will setup the the activities workflow which your sales teams consultants will need to follow for each lead they deal with

  • Email Templates - These are custom templates which can be setup so that your communications can be linked to  leads and standardised mail can be sent out

  • Channels/Source - these are different methods which you use for marketing your institution, what's setup under Sources will link to your custom enquiries page

  • Campaigns - These are marketing initiatives which are planned and linked to different companies or organisations

System Actions [Campus > Notifications]

  • Enquiry Submitted - You can choose which staff member will be notified when a enquired is submitted on the enquiry page

  • Lead Archive - You can choose which staff member will be notified when a staff member archives a lead

  • Lead Convert - You can choose which staff member will be notified when a staff member converts a lead to an applicant

  • Lead Create - You can choose which staff member will be notified if a lead is created from within the system


  • Company Types - Here companies can be create, associated with a type and linked to the leads section


  • Templates - Here the email templates will be setup which will be linked to the Leads Management activities emails

Continue to next article:

Communication Templates

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