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15 September System Updates

What new and updated in Student Manager

Clive avatar
Written by Clive
Updated over a week ago

Full Name on Reports

You can now add in a full name for reports by editing a learner's Personal Information on their User Profile. This allows for a custom name layout to be used in place of the regular First and Last Name which displays on the Academic Transcript (Statement of Results), Results Notification and the Registration Summary and Detailed reports. Please note this does not replace the Title field. You can also use this field when creating certificates for Students.

For information on the reports which can access this please select the link below

Placeholders for Applications and Registration wizards Student emails

Previously only the applications wizard allowed for placeholders in the emails sent to the applicant, you can now add placeholders to the registration wizard email templates. This makes it easier to personalise the email with the Students First and Last Name, Student Code, Qualification name and the date.
An additional placeholder field for the current date has also been added to both the Application and Registration wizards. You will find these highlighted for the body of the emails sent to the applicant or student, when editing a given wizard step.

Application's email body

Registration's email body

Add images to Student emails for Registration

You are now able to add images to a student's registration email, this will allow staff to easily add signatures, footers or related image content to emails sent out to students during the registration process.

Application and Registration Staff Email Subject lines

If you receive email notifications when an applicant completes a step or when student completes a phase of registration, your mailbox can get quite full of Registration/Application Step completed emails. The subject line will now include the name of the applicant or student to allow you to differentiate between them, e.g. Application Step completed - Soap Joe.

Inactive Modules

Currently inactive modules display on the Student Registration page and the Qualification's Registration Setup's Groups page. This can get confusing for staff having similar modules listed and only one of the two having groups accessible. To ensure that registration accidents or frustrations do not occur, inactive modules will no longer display on the Student's Module Registrations page and will be hidden on the Qualification's Registrations Setup. Inactive modules will however, be highlighted in the curriculum to ensure that you are aware of which are and aren't active.

โ€‹The display of inactive modules on the curriculum

Viewing inactive modules in the Qualification's Registration Setup

Registration Setup Group Dates

If you have many groups over a number of years the Registration Setup page under the Qualification which you are configuring, can grow quite a bit.
Now when you set a date range for the Groups available for registration, the system will display groups in that date range along with ones from a year before that selection and a year after only. This will hopefully reduce the amount of data displayed so staff have a clearer view.

In this example we have set the date range for Available groups to 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2020. You will notice that the 2018 and 2021 group display along with the ones which fall within the selected period.

When we change the date range for Available groups to 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2020, the 2018 group no longer displays.

Tags for Student Qualifications

In the same way that you create tags for Students, Applications, Leads, Events, Modules, Groups and Employees, you can now add tags to a Student's Qualification. This allow you to add further categories to a Students Qualification which will then display on their User profile and reports which have the option to display tags.

On the user Profile you are able to apply tags to each of the student's qualifications.

Please note that both the Student Tags and the Student Qualification tags will display on the Students By Qualification (Tags and Status) report.

This can be found under Reports > Students By Qualification (Tags and Status).

Application Tags visible on Application review

We know that sometimes while working on an application and reviewing an applicant's required documents, you may want to place them in a certain category, either to come back to later or for another staff member to look at. Now when doing a review, you can apply tags to an applicant which will be searchable under People > Tags. This will help staff find applicants/applications in a given category to work through.

Tags which were created under More > Tags > Application can now be applied against an applicant when there is a Review step

Staff can then use the tags to search for applicant with certain active tags under People > Tags

Custom Fields Report

There is now a report that lets you see the custom fields linked to a given student user or set of student users. You can find this under Reports > Student Custom Fields.

Employee Group Access Report

As a system administrator, it's sometimes difficult to know what access rights you have given to various staff in groups across Modules/Courses. With this report you can see, for a given period, what access rights a staff member has been given for various groups. This report can be found under Reports > Employee Module Group Access.

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