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Working with Chapters

Using chapters in e-learning

Clive avatar
Written by Clive
Updated over a week ago

In the Module/Course, for the campus you are working on, select the e-Learning tab. Then select the group you want to start with for the e-learning. You should have a blank area with Chapters and Add a chapter displaying.

Before we continue to add the chapter, as the tips said, we need to plan the layout of what we are teaching. So we want to have:

So if we were to think of a Chapter as a chapter in a textbook or a lesson which we would like to cover, I'm going to make this series of chapters about the Internet. So my first chapter will be an introduction to the internet.
So the name will be Introduction to the internet, the description will be the History and background. I'll leave the order as one and there aren't any assessments I'd like to link in this chapter so I won't select this, I'll just save.

I'll now add a second chapter when doing this you will notice that an option appears which allows you to select Finish the previous chapter*, selecting this allows you to keep the sequence of learning, that the learner should pass from one chapter into the next, it doesn't allow them to jump around. With this, they will follow a fixed learning path.

So now I'll just continue to add the chapters I need to cover everything on the internet

Now that we have our structure/layout, we can now add pages with the content we want to cover for each of the chapters

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