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Working with Pages

How to use Pages in e-learning

Clive avatar
Written by Clive
Updated over a week ago

Now we have created the structure that we require with the chapters, we can now add the content which the learner would need to go through in order to gain understanding for that particular chapter or lesson. This is what the pages are for, pages contain the content.

So what are the types of content which can be shared?
All of the following:

  • Text

  • Images

  • Web links

  • Files

  • Videos

Adding a page is easy, to add a page,

Step 1 - Select the Chapter you would like to add the page to then in the pages section, select Add

Step 2 - You will now need to give the page a Title and then save to begin working on it. N.B. The title of the page cannot be more than 30 characters, including spaces.

Step 3 - You can now edit the page to add the content which needs to be shared

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