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Working with text content

Adding text content to pages

Clive avatar
Written by Clive
Updated over a week ago

To edit a page after you've added it and saved it, select the options drop down on the top right and then select edit.

When working in the page editor think of the space as working in a Word document. You can edit the font style the font size of the font type colour and you can add additional attributes to make the font larger like you could set your settings for heading titles as heading one heading to Reading three heading four.
So for you to see the effect of these I am going to add some text and you'll see how these different settings affect the text.

If you feel like you need more space to work and the frame appears to be too small you can select the maximize option on the main menu which will render your frame is full screen.

Another option is to resize the frame there is it grey arrow in the bottom right-hand corner of the frame which allows you to resize it.

When you are done with the text will periodic Lee while working with that click save to store your changes.

Now that we have text content we can now add different types of media to our page.

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