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Payments: US Chargeback Policy
Payments: US Chargeback Policy

Overview of our US Chargeback Policy

Updated over a week ago

At sunday, our primary focus is to ensure a seamless and secure payment experience for both our restaurant partners and their esteemed customers. With chargeback rates as low as 0.02%—30 times lower than the industry average—we remain committed to providing you with the best service possible.

To mitigate fraud risks, we've implemented various verifications, including:

  • Card Verification Value (CVV): Your card's CVV, located on the back, is never stored on our database, ensuring enhanced security.

  • Proprietary fraud prevention system: Developed by a team of experts to cater to our unique business requirements and diligently overseen by our dedicated Fraud Team.

  • 3-D Secure (3DS2): We utilize this advanced technology to offer an additional layer of verification, protecting all parties involved with lower friction than 3DS1.

  • Live Fraud Notifications: Stay vigilant with our new "sunday for Restaurants" app, available now on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, receiving live push notifications for any fraudulent payment attempts.

Additionally, we proudly accept Google Pay and Apple Pay, providing an extra level of safety for your transactions.

US Chargeback Policy

1. Dispute Resolution and Chargebacks

Prevention is our collective focus, but we understand that disputes may still occur despite our best efforts. A payment dispute or chargeback occurs when a cardholder files a claim with their card-issuing bank to request a reversal of the charge. Disputes exist to protect buyers from unauthorized transactions and can be filed for various reasons, including but not limited to:

a. Fraudulent activity - where the buyer's card or card details were stolen and used for unauthorized payments.

b. Goods or services not received - when the buyer paid for goods or services but did not receive them.

c. Goods or services not as described - when the buyer received incorrect or subpar goods or services.

2. Coverage and Limitations

Effective September 1, 2023, ("sunday") will cover chargebacks up to 0.20% of the actualized sunday transaction value per restaurant from the month prior. Please note that sunday will not cover chargebacks for payments processed outside of sunday's preferred payment processor. sunday will not cover chargebacks resulting from restaurant negligence, such as cases where the customer was refunded in the POS system but not in the sunday dashboard. Merchants are responsible for ensuring consistency in refund processing across all platforms.

3. sunday's Role in the Dispute Process

A cardholder will contact their issuing bank to request a reversal of the charge—this officially starts the dispute process. It’s important to note that sunday cannot initiate a chargeback on behalf of a cardholder, even if the cardholder reaches out to us instead of their bank first.

Once the cardholder’s issuing bank begins the dispute process by issuing a chargeback and notifies sunday that their cardholder filed a claim against a payment processed by a sunday merchant. Within the deadline of the claim, sunday will provide documentation on your behalf to the cardholder’s bank and handle the dispute process from start to finish.

4. Resolution in Favor of the Merchant

If the case is resolved in favor of the sunday merchant, no action will be required on your part nor will you be notified of the dispute.

5. Resolution in Favor of the Customer

a. If the case is resolved in favor of the customer, and the merchant's monthly chargeback history is within the 0.20% allowance and the occurrence is not deemed as merchant negligence, sunday will cover the full cost of the dispute, including the associated admin fee, up to the defined allowance.

b. If the case is resolved in favor of the customer, and the merchant's monthly chargeback history exceeds the 0.20% allowance and the occurrence is not deemed as merchant negligence, sunday will invoice the merchant for the full cost of the dispute plus the associated admin fee within 7 business days of the verdict.

6. Dispute Outcome Finality

Once the cardholder's bank makes a decision, the dispute outcome is considered final, and sunday will not continue challenging the dispute on the merchant's behalf. If the merchant wishes to pursue the case further, they must resolve it directly with the customer or seek legal recourse.

sunday does not have any influence over or determine the resolution of the chargeback process. However, we will support the merchant by presenting a well-documented case for review during the dispute process.

7. Failure to Pay

If the case is resolved in favor of the customer, and it is deemed necessary for the merchant to pay the full cost of the dispute, failure to pay any disputed amount within the specified time frame, sunday reserves the right to deduct the outstanding amount from future payouts to the merchant.

Please note that this policy is subject to change and updates will be communicated to merchants accordingly.

If you have any further questions or require additional clarifications, please feel free to contact us.

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