You can find the booking confirmation (i.e. the voucher) for your hotel room in the booking confirmation email that was sent to you, or directly on the Supertripper platform.
To avoid any inconvenience upon arrival, we recommend that you present it at the hotel reception.
☝️ Please note: when you book a hotel room through our agency, it is prepaid by Supertripper, as indicated in red on the voucher.
To find your voucher on the platform, follow these steps:
🧑🏽💻 On your desktop computer:
Go to the "Bookings" tab
Use the calendar by clicking on the "Period" filter to display bookings for your desired date range. By default, the platform shows bookings from the current date
To make your search easier, also click on the "Type" filter and check the "Hotel" box
Once you've found your booking, click on the "Confirmation" button
Home > Bookings
📲 On the mobile app:
Go to the "My Bookings" tab
Click on the "All Bookings" button
Click on the "+" icon to display the filters
Use the calendar by clicking on the "Period" filter to display bookings for your desired date range. By default, the platform shows bookings from the current date
To make your search easier, also click on the "Type" filter and check the "Hotel" box
Once you've found your booking, click on the "Confirmation" button
Home > My Bookings
🔎 Here's an example of what you'll get:
If you experience any payment-related issues, please contact our travel agents.
📌 To learn how to contact our booking agents, please consult the following article.