You can easily remove a tag associated with a booking directly on the Supertripper platform.
🧑🏽💻 On your desktop computer:
Click on the "Bookings" tab
Use the calendar by clicking on the "Period" filter to display bookings according to a desired date range. By default, the platform displays bookings from the current date
Choose the desired booking
Hover your mouse over the concerned tag
Click on the "trash" icon that appears to remove the tag
Home > Bookings
📲 On the mobile app:
Click on the "My bookings" tab
Click on the "All bookings" button
Click on the "+" icon to reveal the filters
Use the calendar by clicking on the "Period" filter to display bookings according to a desired date range. By default, the platform displays bookings from the current date
Choose the desired booking
Click on the concerned tag
Click on the "trash" icon that appears to remove the tag
Home > My bookings