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Membership - Auto renewal
Membership - Auto renewal

this article describes the functionality of auto renewal of a membership.

Ola Zettervall avatar
Skrivet av Ola Zettervall
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This article describes the following

  • Terms and conditions

  • Membership settings

  • Migration to auto renewal

  • Player profile settings

  • Refunds

Terms and conditions

Membership sales is a transaction the player is doing with the venue, not with Sweetspot. It is therefore important that you have a page on your home page where you describe the content of the memberships and the terms and conditions when buying it.

Information that should be included is that it is an auto renewable membership they sign up for, when the last cancellation date is and so on. There can be different legal requirements depending on what country you're based in, so please consider that.

Update the link to your Terms and Condition page here:

Membership settings

  1. Set membership to auto-renew or not.

  2. Set number of days before the membership expiration that is the last date for canceling the automatic renewal.

  3. Set number of days before the membership expiration a reminder email shall be sent to the member.

⚠️ Please make sure that you check the legal requirements for automatic contract renewal before you set number of days ahead.

Migration of players to auto renewal

For the auto-renewal to actually happen you now need to migrate existing members turn on the auto-renewal setting on every player´s membership card.

⚠️ You can do this only once per membership.

Step 1: Open the membership you want to activate auto-renewal for.

Step 2. Press the Migrate button.

Now all players having that membership is set to auto-renew when their current membership expires.

Player profile setting

On the player profile under memberships you can turn on or off auto-renewal for a specific player´s membership.

Club admin can cancel the player´s subscription/automatic renewal until the current membership's expiration.


Membership refunds

Club admin can now refund a players membership without contacting support. If a player has an ongoing monthly payment plan, the paid installments is refunded and the upcoming payments are cancelled.

To refund payment for a membership:

  • Navigate to the player´s membership card

  • Press “Actions” and select “Refund”

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