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About The TT Revision Method

Our proven method to boost grades fast—the most effective learning and exam technique development with Tailored Tutors.

JJ avatar
Written by JJ
Updated over a week ago

All topics and videos inside your course are organised in the same order as the specification.

However, that doesn't mean you should start watching at the beginning and work your way through every video—because there are literally thousands, and you don't have unlimited time.

At TT, we teach a highly efficient learning & revision method that simultaneously teaches content and builds exam technique using our resources—and it's designed to boost your grade fast.

It's called The TT Revision Method.

The TT Revision Method

Why does it work?

  1. You start practicing past papers right away—regardless of whether you've learnt the entire specification or not.


    Unfortunately, the main A Level grade determinant is not purely content knowledge—it is how well you understand how to write the exam.

    Most students make the mistake of starting practice papers far too late.

    The TT Revision Method prevents this.

  2. The Marks I Dropped sheet and the negative marking evaluation process hone in on your weakest areas—regardless of whether that's in content knowledge or exam skills.

    Our method targets your time & energy on what will actually improve your grade the most (and prevents you from moving on from weak areas until you see improvement).

    It also saves you from wasting time on topics you already understand.

  3. Unlike other revision strategies, students who use the TT Revision Method see tangible and immediate gains through the evaluation step—you can actually see your grade improving with each past paper attempt.

    This massively boosts motivation, confidence and follow through—creating a positive feedback loop of progress.

Note: All TT resources are developed to be used within the TT Revision Method framework. There are tutorials for how to use each TT feature alongside the TT Revision Method inside your course.

How To Learn More About The TT Revision Method:

Find all the information you need to know about the TT Revision Method, how it works, and how to execute it inside your course.

Step 1. Open the side bar navigation menu inside your course by clicking the three horizontal lines icon on the top left corner or your course screen.

Step 2. Click "Study Support", then click "The TT Revision Method".

Step 3. Watch the introductory videos explaining each step of the TT Revision Method, and check out the other resources on that page to help you get started.

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