Uploading coverage for 2020
If you’re covered through your spouse’s or parent's group plan, we’re looking to see a recent date (within 30 days) and that you’re a covered dependent. You can upload a summary of benefits election, letter from HR or a letter of eligibility directly from the insurance carrier.
If your employer allows for spouse group plan reimbursements, you can additionally upload a paystub which shows the medical premium deduction. We understand how it can be hard to find all the information in one place, so you do have the option of uploading a combination of documents.
Typically, insurance cards would be great and it does provide proof that you are covered, but it does not support your actual premium payment and does not have a recent date. You have the option of submitting your ID card in addition to a recent paystub. The ID card would show that you’re a covered dependent and the paystub includes the date and the premium amount.
If your employer allows for spouse group plan reimbursements, that paystub shows the medical premium deduction. This document helps to create a recurring premium claim, where our system will automatically generate claims each month. We'll set it up to automatically be applied to your reimbursement amount each month. You can find instructions on how to set up the recurring premium claim here.
*If you’re uploading documents for 2021, you can request a letter from HR stating the 2021 coverage period and that you’re a covered dependent.
The best document to submit for 2021 is one or more of the following: a benefits election form, a letter from the employer providing the benefits, or screenshot from your insurance provider’s online portal. Ultimately, we’re looking for a document (or a combination of documents) that shows ALL of the following:
Your name
The plan name
Confirmation this coverage is in place for 2021 specifically and the premium amount if your plan reimburses those.