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Optimising your campaign questionnaire

Best practices to optimise your questionnaire

Updated over 6 months ago

The questionnaire is an important tool in your organisation’s recruitment process when using our tools. Depending on the questions you ask your applicants, you will be able to refine the pre-selection of your applicants.

Number of questions

We recommend a maximum of six questions from which you will have special questions as well as your personalised questions.

By limiting the number of questions, you will be able to optimise the rate of conversion of applicants from the questionnaire to the CV submission.

Types of questions

There are different types of questions:

Closed questions are used to confirm, frame or reach an agreement, but do not necessarily allow for understanding, facilitating expression or discussion as open questions do.

It would be preferable in most cases to use closed questions, as applicants often have a relatively reduced concentration time depending on the medium used. It will therefore be important to keep this fluidity throughout the process. These closed questions also allow you to filter applicants based on the answers given.

Attention should also be paid to inductive questions. These are closed questions, the answer to which will be more or less contained in the question. Example: Given the fact that our industry is in fashion, do you think you have the necessary patience?

They may implicitly influence the response of some very good profiles who will feel that they would not have a place in your organisation.

Automatic tags can be added to the pre-defined list of applicants, depending on the answers given to the questionnaire.

The applicant will automatically be tagged according to his/her answer.

There are 4 types of questions with this feature:

  • Multiple choice

  • Single choice

  • Number

  • Evaluation scale

This new feature will allow you to find your applicants in your CV database much better.

Careful: Once applicants have applied for the job post, it is no longer possible to modify the questionnaire.


Here is a list of sample questions that are added to the tool's predefined questions. We advise you to ask closed questions for a better evaluation and to facilitate the sorting of applicants.

  • If internship or block-release: how long is the contract? (type: question with 1 possible answer and propose several lengths)

  • When are you available? (type: Date)

  • Are you available between... time and... time? (type: 1 possible answer and suggest Yes/No)

  • Do you speak [language]? (type: 1 possible answer and suggest Yes/No)

  • How do you assess your [language] level? (type: evaluation scale)

  • What are your salary expectations? (type: number)

  • What tools do you know how to use?

  • How do you assess your [tool] proficiency? (type: evaluation scale)

  • Can you travel? (type: 1 possible answer and suggest Yes/No)

  • Do you have any first experience in this field? (type: 1 possible answer and suggest Yes/No)

  • How many years of experience? (type: number or type: 1 possible answer and suggest brackets: e.g., under 2 years/between 2 and 5 years/Over 5 years)

  • What quality is essential to work with us?

  • What hobbies do you have outside of your studies/work?

You can also create open questions. We advise you to ask them, if need be, in the question of the video pitch, as they will allow your applicants to speak in-depth about their personality or their aspirations to work with you. Here are some examples:

  • What are your motivations for joining us?

  • What is a typical employee/client at [organisation]?

  • Tell us your best travel/work experience?

  • If you were an item/meal/country, which one would you be?

  • What do your friends think of you?

  • What's your biggest dream?

Next step

Once your questionnaire has been set up, don't forget to monitor the changes from the questionnaire conversion rate to the CV submission.

You will also be able to work with the client section to adjust the details that will allow you to optimise this rate.

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