A Guide to Add To Cart Automation
Danielle From BayEngage avatar
Written by Danielle From BayEngage
Updated over a week ago

What is Abandoned Cart Email Automation?

Cart abandonment automation helps to reduce instances where online shoppers add items to their shopping carts but leave the website without completing the purchase. Cart abandonment is a common challenge for e-commerce businesses, and implementing automation can help companies recover potentially lost sales.

How to create abandoned cart email automation?

  • Select My Automation from the left side menu and click Create Automation to create an automation.

  • Select when a user starts a cart session to set up an add-to-cart automation from the list of pre-built recipes.

  • Give a suitable title for the automation and click on the create option.

Note: This Recipe targets users who have viewed and added products to the cart and abandoned it without checking out or placing an order.

Note: User filters are evaluated at the end of every node, and only if the conditions are met the user will continue in the flow. Below, we have the explanation for the pre-configured user filters:

  • In the Add to Cart filter, Users who have added not add to cart after entering the flow

Cart Status: Checkout started. This filter will disqualify the users who have started checkout after entering the flow.

  • In the Placed order filter, Users who have not placed an order Will disqualify users who have placed an order after entering the flow.

  • In Not entered the flow filter ensures users are not bombarded with too many emails for the configured time interval. The default time gap is seven days, and you can increase/decrease it.

  • In the Automation flow, you can customize the time delays of the emails sent to the customers.

Note: Time delays are crucial, so please make sure you provide enough time to your customers before sending out the email/SMS.

  • The product added to the cart by the customers will be included in the email template and they also have the checkout link configured in the email so that they are automatically redirected to the checkout page with the cart contents.

Here is an example of a cart abandonment email template. BayEngage has a collection of 60+ pre-built, ready-to-use cart abandonment templates.


Click here to know more about BayEngage's automation.

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