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Prospect Registration Page
Prospect Registration Page

Enable self-registration for prospective students

Abdullah Al-Hussein avatar
Written by Abdullah Al-Hussein
Updated over a week ago

To streamline the enrollment process, you can direct potential students to a dedicated webpage where they can add themselves as new prospects. This link can be easily integrated into your school's website or shared directly with prospective students.

Access Your School's Prospect Registration Page

  1. Visit the School Settings page.

  2. In the Registration Pages section, locate and access your school's dedicated prospect registration page.

Prospect Registration Form

The registration form on your school's dedicated page will display your school logo and customizable headings. If you have custom student fields they can also be included in the form.

Submission Confirmation

Upon submission of the form, the school admin will receive an email notification informing them of the addition of a new prospect. School admins can review and manage prospect details by visiting the Prospect tab in the People section of Teach 'n Go.

Show/Hide Student Fields

Tailor the prospect registration form by selecting which fields appear. This customization can be done in your school settings to ensure the form collects the necessary information.

This simple and efficient process allows potential students to express their interest in your school, providing a seamless experience for administrators and prospects. For any questions or assistance, reach out to our support team through the Intercom support chat or email us at We're here to help!

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