TEKSbank Classroom users via Canvas or Schoology do not have to manually register; you will be signed in automatically via your LMS.
For Google Classroom subscribers, users must register to access TEKSbank Classroom. The correct flow for registering for TEKSbank Classroom is:
Visit cms.examspark.com
Click Register for TEKSbank Classroom
Complete the registration form
ExamSpark will send you a 6-digit confirmation code to your email account.
Retrieve the confirmation code from your email to complete registration
Enter the confirmation code
Problem #1: I don't know my registration code.
Please obtain your registration code from the administrator in charge of the TEKSBank Classroom software license for your district.
Problem #2: I never received my confirmation code from ExamSpark (step 3).
From the confirmation code prompt page, click "Resend Code", and a new one will be generated for you. Be sure to open a new tab in order to retrieve your confirmation code from your email account, otherwise you will run into Problem 3 (below).
Problem #3: I navigated away from the registration page to get my confirmation code instead of opening a new tab, now I don't know how to get back to the registration page.
Obtain the 6-digit confirmation code from your email account. Once you've obtained your confirmation code, revisit cms.examspark.com, click Register for TEKSbank Classroom, complete the form again using the same email and password you chose to use the first time you completed the form. You should then be brought right back to the confirmation code screen.
Enter the code to finish your registration, and you should be all set.