How Many Tutoring Hours do I have?
What do I do if my Access has been Blocked?
Where are the PDF's for the first lessons?
Where are my shipped materials?
What is LSATMax?
How can I register for a free trial of LSATMax?
Which LSATMax course should I enroll in?
Why should I choose LSATMax over other LSAT prep courses?
What if I have questions? Will I have access to instructors?
In addition to video lessons, what else is included with the LSATMax course?
Does LSATMax include hardcopy materials?
Why don't you offer in-class LSAT prep courses?
Does LSATMax use real LSAT questions?
Can I access LSATMax on more than one device?
Do you offer a free practice LSAT?
Does LSATMax offer a higher score guarantee?
How do I establish my baseline score?
Does LSATMax offer a recommended study schedule?
Do you offer private LSAT tutoring?