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Success Partners 2018

Major changes - read in full to get ready for 19 Feb

Matt Kesby avatar
Written by Matt Kesby
Updated over a week ago

Wow...thank you for your patience. We have been quiet for sometime due to the volume of work going on to create new products, sales system and support to prepare you for a game changing 2018.

In this post:

  1. Quick lay of the land and structural changes

  2. Product updates, training and costs

  3. Drum roll...New SmartCharge Eftpos Pre-Training Video

  4. Changes to OfferHQ - new CRM - associated cost

1. Quick lay of the land and structural changes

As you read this post, chances are you have come to us originally from a range of ways. Some will have joined their eftpos journey originally via Teddy, through me, via Venue Smart, or other leaders including Ben, Dan, David or a host of other great people.

For those that joined through my original business, please note the it has now been acquired by The E Group Payments Pty Ltd.

What this means is for everyone, is that lots of the IP that was once only going to be accessible by a few, will now be open to all.

This also means we are investing HEAVILY in product and system development for all to benefit. 

We are also stepping up our level of engagement with clients from referrers to being a true Success Partner with our clients to assist them with their payments and soon, additional solutions.

Please note, there will be a new Contract/Terms Conditions, IP and Privacy Statement,  for you to accept that will be included in OfferHQ (OHQ). This will continue to update over time as new products come on onboard or changes to existing products. 

2. Product updates, training and costs

Moneytech Surcharge Eftpos terminals:
Certification to sell these terminals is now GONE, over, done! Moneytech are only accepting mere referrals via the limited referral submission in OHQ. You can no longer SELL the terminals, review data or recommend the product. Let's face it, the product is incomplete anyway.

IntegraPay Products
If you have not yet sold in an IntegraPay product to a customer and joined the customer through the onboarding process, then we are about to put these products on hold for you until a review in May. This is to ensure full focus goes into the new Smart Charge EFTPOS opportunity (see below). Selling the IntegraPay offerings requires a detailed knowledge of online payments along with a very solid technical and business consulting foundation.
This product is only open to a limited amount of people who have completed in person certification and who are able to stay currently on the rapid changes in our flagship product. This is a software solution sale and implementation product.

SmartCharge EFTPOS thanks to TEG & SmartPay
This is the one we have all been waiting for! Teddy and Matt have been working with our new product issuers SmartPay designing the ultimate third party Surcharge Eftpos solution "SmartCharge"

This terminal is literally a Category Crusher! It has taken longer to develop than hope...but the end product is spectacular. No one on the market competes with us in the way we can fully neutralise fees. More to follow in section 3.

TRAINING: With the SmartCharge Terminals comes a complete new training and certification module. We are still finishing off much details, however a quick guide is available in section 3 below.

For all new incoming Success Partners (SP) (yes we have changed from referrer to SP's because you do more than refer, you sell and onboard customers).

NEW COSTS: All Success Partners will have a minimum $297 payment to cover the online training. If you have previously completed eftpos training before, we will open the certification to you for free for 30 days. Post that, if you have not completed it and gone live, then you will need to resit the application and interview process.

All Success Partners selling eftpos will require access to the new OHQ-CRM, communication suite, commission splitting, live chat help desk, fortnightly online group coaching sessions for $99 per month (Direct debit agreement required).

Demo Terminals are a powerful addition to your sales arsenal and available now. These are connected to sandbox that allows you to make dummy transactions and show merchants how the terminals work. $17 per month (plus original postage). Return anytime in working condition, not break fees. Lose of break the terminals, same rules apply 

Drum roll...New SmartCharge Eftpos Pre-Training Video

Changes to OfferHQ - new CRM - associated cost

Code of respect
Lastly, with the group size about to explode it is time to move to the next evolution and ensure we are all on the same page. Our code of respect is a way for us all to understand common values and structure that allow for greatness to be unleashed from all. Make sure you read these, if they are NOT a good fit for you...that's ok and it will be important for you to make a call if we are the right fit together for long term sustainable success.


What this means for any of the ZOBF or NUPAY referrers

Am I still Certified to sell the Moneytech Surcharge Terminals? NO
If I have completed training for IntegraPay products am I certified to sell them?
What happens if I am unable to complete my SmartCharge EFTPOS training in the next 30 days?
What happens if I do not sign up for the SmartCharge EFTPOS training in the next 30 days?

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