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Narrow the Focus to Achieve Greater Results

Matt Kesby avatar
Written by Matt Kesby
Updated over a week ago

When you are qualified to sell a product, the default number of companies will be allocated to you for that product.

Why? Well...ever heard the saying "Too much of a good thing is bad fo you"

Well this rings true in relation to leads and opportunities in sales.

Our products of SimpleRent and SmartCharge EFTPOS are category killing products

Because they are also very new, it also means we are in LAND GRAB situation where we have the product to CHANGE THE GAME!

There are no geographical limitation on deals,  but you must be able to on board the customer, so if you cannot effectively to that remotely or you are not willing to travel to them...then don't target them see code of respect as you will forfeit the deal.

Statistically, where the majority of sales people go wrong can be distilled into two issues: 

  1. lack of action

  2. trying to juggle too many opportunities and never moving any forward with quality

You may realise already that both 1 & 2 are tied closely together.

At TEG, we are going to share with you the tools and structure to perform at an elite level...all you need to do, is put in the appropriate level & type of energy. 

The methodologies, support materials and software systems we are about to share with you, large companies pay $100K's per year in consulting and software licensing to access.

Between 2009 to 2015, I worked with an extremely skilled group of people around the globe taking sales teams from good to great in a 6 month transition. Our Australian team was responsible for adding multiple $B's in sales across 11 businesses in 2 years.

Want to know how these sales teams achieved it?

  1. They Narrowed the focus

  2. Consistently executed on daily actions against a clear playbook of activities that deliver results.

  3. Kept score on their progress

  4. Held themselves and each other accountable to deliver results.

Sounds simple? That is because it is! In fact it is so bloody simple it is nauseating to think these businesses spent >$1.5M in consulting fees to learn what you are going to get as part of our time together and the systems built to help you achieve greatness. But $1.5M for Multiple $B's in extra sales?!?...hey not bad.

The first thing great sales people do is they narrow the focus. 

For example, If you have access to 1M leads, how many can you effectively communicate to as a sales person in a year?...None right...1M leads...that is ridiculous.

Did you know that the average sales person only makes between 1.7 to 2.1 attempts to get in contact with a potential customer before giving up. Yet, it can take a min of 6 contacts just to obtain a meeting. Then the most effective sales people understand it will take 8-12 communication points across 10-14 days to optimise the potential of a lead.

So, with this data is now firming in your head, how many NEW relationships can you effectively manage in a personal and strategic way at one time?

100, 60, 20?

Turns out 20 is the optimal number for direct sales (in industries like ours).

"But hang on..I can knock on 50 doors in a day"...and there in lies the issue...diluting effort across many, reduces your potency in a world overwhelmed by messages. It is time to narrow the focus and concentrate effort strategically on a few to obtain greater results.

Note: Having 60 or 50 opportunites does get results...but the stand out results come from narrowing the focus on the best fit opportunities, being persistent and consistent in communication. Human beings struggle to achieve managing any more than 20 new opportunities in their funnel when delivering with quality.

So...if 20 is the do we stay on track? is design to keep you focussed on 20 Optimal Companies

This helps to ensure some idiot does not squat on 5,000 companies and never communicates to any of them...none of us want that see code of respect

The New OfferHQ CRM also has some rules being built into it which are focussed on keep you accountable to are not here to waste time, you are hit to get results for you and your family and so OHQ is going to nudge you to succeed.

Key Rules on OHQ CRM

  1. Max number of companies allowed to be in lead/opportunity state for a SP. For SmartCharge EFTPOS the default number is 20, for SimpleRent it has been reduces from 15 to 10.

  2. If a SP does not maintain effective communication frequency within a 4 week period, OHQ will send that company back to the POOL as open game. 

  3. If it is not in does not exist! Be sure to update OHQ, failing to do so is likely to result in large lost opportunities.

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