Once an advance is open, you are given 100 days until the owed balance is automatically drafted out of your linked account. Although you have the full 100 days until the advance is due, you also have the opportunity to pay it off early or in increments by manually making payment(s) before the due date!
💡The faster you pay it back, the faster you unlock the next level!
Manually make a payment:
Open MOD.
Tap Payments.
Tap Pay Now.
Follow the prompts to confirm your payment.
Your payment will process in 1-3 business days and it will be drafted from your linked bank account.
Don't feel obligated to pay it all at once! You are more than welcome to make multiple payments before your due date and whatever remains will be auto-drafted on the due date.
Leveling up
If you are paying back a $25, $50, $100, or $200 advance (levels 1-4), the next level up of borrowing will be available to you once your payment has cleared.
Currently, $400 (level 5) is the highest borrowing level anyone can reach. Although you won't unlock a new, higher level after paying off your $400 advance, each of the five levels are all still available for you to borrow.
Find out more about leveling up here!