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Ticker van insurance
What happens if I change my van?
What happens if I change my van?
Ticker avatar
Written by Ticker
Updated over a week ago

If you're planning on changing your van, go to the ticker app for a new quote and we'll update your documents in the app. You can move your Ticker device yourself.

  • If you’ve got a stick-on Ticker box, we'll send you a new adhesive ring to make sure it sticks well

  • If your van is suitable for our plug in device, we'll send you one of these instead.

  • Stick your Ticker box to your new windscreen with the new adhesive ring, or plug your Ticker device into your new vehicle – we’ll send you instructions on where it will go in your new van

You don't have to go through setting up the device again, just check the app is updating as normal.

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