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Moving Students

How to move students from one class to another

Sarah Parrish avatar
Written by Sarah Parrish
Updated over a month ago

There are two easy ways to move students between Maths classes or between Pastoral classes. The method you choose will depend on how many students you are moving:

A few at a time:

To move an individual or small number of students:

  1. Go to Accounts > Classes.

  2. Tick the name(s) of the student(s).

  3. Then click 'Move to Maths Class' button and choose the class you wish to move them to.

Lots of students:

If you have lots of changes to make - for example, at the start of a new school year - it's probably more efficient to upload a csv on the Classes page.

Yes, that's right! You can move existing students with the csv uploader, as well as adding new ones.

Here are the instructions:

  1. Prepare a spreadsheet with these 4 columns as a minimum:
    * first name - try to match to existing names
    * last name - try to match to existing names
    * class they're moving to
    * year group.

    If you provide username or ID number then it will go super smoothly.

    See 'Success tips' below.

  2. Go to Account > Classes and click 'Upload csv' at the top.

  3. Follow the steps. It will do all the heavy lifting... creating classes for you if necessary and putting students into their new classes, while preserving their performance data and progress.

Success tips

Our system will do its best to match using the students' names and it won't proceed with any moves until you've verified them.

To make this spreadsheet upload as straightforward for you as possible, it's helpful if either of the following are true:

  1. You can provide an extra column in the spreadsheet that contains their existing username or their account ID number. That way we can match them unequivocally with their existing account and move them to the right class.
    (To get their existing usernames and ID numbers quickly, tick all classes then go to Download > Logins Spreadsheet).

  2. Failing that, try to ensure the first names and last names you provide in the spreadsheet match exactly with the first names and last names of their accounts.
    For example, if you put 'Benjamin' as a first name in the spreadsheet but their name on our system is 'Ben', it will probably match it correctly but it reduces the chances a little.

Don't worry if you can't do either of the above - please just check the matches more carefully before pressing Complete Import.

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