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Top of the Rocks (TTRS)

Compete against other schools in a Battle of the Bands style competition.

Dario Viglione avatar
Written by Dario Viglione
Updated over 4 months ago

Top of the Rocks is a new Tournament mode that enables schools to compete against other local or affiliated schools. 

To set up a Top of the Rocks competition you will need to:

  1. Set up a group for the competition.

  2. Set up the competition

Setting up a Group

To set up a group please:

  1. Go to Tournaments > Top of the Rocks > Groups and click the 'New Group' button.

  2. From here give the group a name and search for the schools you would like to add to the group (It may be easier to search for postcodes). 

When you press Save and invite, the Chief Band Manager (main contact) at each of those schools will receive an email to let them know you've added their school to the new group. Although any teacher from those schools can login and accept the invitation.

You could create groups of schools that meet any criteria but here are some ideas:

  • Nearby schools

  • Schools where your friends, professional learning network or social media acquaintances teach

  • Schools in the same trust, federation, district

We recommend there being something that binds the schools in the group rather it being totally random

Setting up the Competition 

Once the group has been made and teachers have accepted the invite you can make a competition. To do this please:

  1. Please go to Tournaments > Top of the Rocks > Competitions.

  2. Click the 'New Competition' button on the Top of the Rocks page.

  3. Fill in the information on the pop up that appears. 

Note: you cannot create a competition with less than 5 minutes until the start time. This is to give the other schools reasonable notice.

When the competition starts

Once the competition has started, pupils simply answer as many questions correctly as they can before the competition ends, in any game mode. If the competition has restricted hours (e.g. 8am to 6pm) then only the correct answers given during those hours will count to the competition. 

What do pupils see?

On the Play page it's made very clear to pupils that the competition is starting, is in play, is in play but outside restricted hours or is over. They can keep up to date with results too.

Are pupil names visible?

Pupils from other schools will always have their rock name displayed. That means you can't tell the names of pupils from other schools and other schools can't see the names of your pupils.

In the teacher view of the results, the pupils in your school will have their real and rock names displayed.
In the pupils' view of the results, the names of pupils in your school can be displayed as "Rock Names" (the default position), "First Name and Initial" or "Both". Head to Admin > Privacy Settings > "Students' view of charts and Tournament results" to set your preferences. Remember, it's the names of your own pupils being displayed back to your own pupils. Not the names of your pupils being displayed to others outside the school - again, they will always show up to others as rock names.

Who Wins?

You can see from the Class Results tab which classes have correctly answered the most questions per player and also each class' total.

On the Pupil Results tab, the number of correct answers is broken down by individual.

How the winner is chosen is up to you as we've deliberately made it flexible. Is it the winning class you're interested in? If so, the winning class in your school or in the whole competition?
Or do you want the winning pupil? In your class? In your school? In the whole competition?

Use the certificates tab to download pre-populated certificates for the top 3 classes or pupils, as you see fit.

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