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Using TTRS in School
Including launch day inspiration, tournaments and Sessions
Improvement and Progress Online (TTRS)
School Headlines (TTRS)
Custom Leaderboards, certificates and award ceremony (TTRS)
Effort (TTRS)
Fluency (TTRS)
Heatmaps (Heat Maps) (TTRS)
Gone Green - Certificates & Badges
Response time per table (TTRS)
Studio (TTRS)
Setting a Studio Speed (TTRS)
Rock Status Certificates (TTRS)
Soundcheck (TTRS)
What games are students playing? How long are students playing for? (TTRS)
Game Log - which games have my students played?
A pupil has "hacked" their own account to show more coins than they have earned, what can I do? (TTRS)
Someone has "hacked" someone else's account - what can I do? (TTRS)
How do I unlock a locked account? (Schools) (TTRS)
Setting how student names are shown on leaderboards and charts. Privacy settings.
Setting a curfew
Download avatars (TTRS)
Closing the avatar shop (TTRS)
Can you change the gender of avatars? (TTRS)
Can a child change their rock name?
Saving Pupils' Avatars (TTRS)
Have you got any display material? (TTRS)
Where can I download the app? (TTRS)
Why has my child has been fined?
Have you got any parent letters? (TTRS)
Why is there no music playing when I play a game? (TTRS)
Why can't I see my child in the charts? (TTRS)
When did my pupils last play? (TTRS)
How can I make a game last longer than 1 minute? (TTRS)
Can I hide the timer in online games? (TTRS)
Invert Numpad (TTRS)
My child's first name and initial appears on the website, is that safe? (TTRS)
Deleting Studio game results
How do I change pupils' year group?
My year 4 students are not showing in the OUMTC list. How do I fix this?