Custom Leaderboards
You can make and save custom leaderboards for your class, year group, or the whole school, then return to it each week or month, to see how the results have updated. Download this week's leaderboard as a fun wall display, or recognise the current winners, by printing off certificates with their names already on!
To create a leaderboard, head to Stats > All > Custom Leaderboards and click the 'New Leaderboard' button.
Give the leaderboard a name, select the time period over which the results are accumulated and decide what you want it to focus on (i.e. Coins, Correct Answers or Studio Speed). Then choose whether to show the pupil's real names or rock names, pick which classes / year groups you want to include and finally click the 'Save' button.ย
Once you've created the leaderboard, click on the name of it to open it, or download it as a wall display, or certificates for the winners, by clicking the relevant button on the right hand side:
Once you've opened the leaderboard, you can rearrange it by clicking on the different headings. For example, to order by improvement in Studio Speed over the past 7 days, you'd create a leaderboard with the timespan 7 days and focus on Studio Speed, then click the 'Change over the last 7 days' column header.
Display winners' names in assembly presentation
You can display the names of the pupils that are being awarded certificates using our exciting rockstar themed certificate presentation. This is perfect for projecting during an assembly or awards celebration as you hand out the certificates. To do this:
Go to Stats > All > Custom Leaderboards.
Click the presentation icon next to the existing leaderboard you wish to download the presentation for.
The presentation will then open in full screen (press "Esc" button on keyboard to exit). Use the green arrows in the bottom right hand corner of the screen to move through the Awards Ceremony.