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Studio (TTRS)

Find out how you can view class and pupil stats from their games played in the Studio

Dario Viglione avatar
Written by Dario Viglione
Updated over a week ago

To view Studio Results for your class please:

  1. Go To Stats.

  2. Select your class.

  3. Click the 'Studio' tab.

Headline Figures (Stats Bolt-on)

If your school has the Stats bolt-on you will be greeted by 5 data boxes. These data boxes give you a quick overview of the following stats for the class:

  • Average initial Studio speed.

  • Average current Studio speed.

  • Average best Studio speed.

  • Average number of Studio games.

  • Average Studio Accuracy

Individual Stats

On this page, you will also find a table showing each pupil's data. This table includes:

  • Initial Studio speed

  • Current Studio speed

  • Rock Status

  • Best Status

  • Number of Studio games

  • Accuracy

Tip: click the headings of the tables to sort the table based on the metric most important to you.

Downloading Status certificates

Another feature of the Stats bolt-on is you can download an auto-populated certificate when a pupil achieves a new Rock Status. To download certificates for the whole class simply click the certificates icon at the top of the page. To download them for an individual pupil click the icon next to their name.

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