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Automatic monthly checks to track progress

Bruno Reddy avatar
Written by Bruno Reddy
Updated over a week ago


As well as offering a baseline from which to assess progress, the results from the Gig also feed our smart algorithm. Each pupil's Gig results combine with the results from other games they play and jump start their heatmap. This kicks off their learning journey by moving learners to the best point from which to continue in games like Garage. As they carry on answering questions, the evidence we have of their recall gets richer and richer which personalises the Garage and Arena games even further.

  • Gig games contain 100 questions.

  • Gig games are limited to 5 minutes.

  • If a player answers all 100 questions before 5 minutes is up, the game ends early.

  • If a player doesn't answer all 100 questions before 5 minutes is up, the game ends.

Gigs are completed by default once per month to build up a steady pattern of their progress. However, they are optional. Teachers: If you would like to encourage pupils to complete a Gig you can set it as a Session (a bit like setting homework). Find out more about Sessions.

Once a Gig is played, it is locked until the 1st day of the next month. For example, a player who completes a Gig on 10th November, cannot play another Gig until 1st December at the earliest. Gigs automatically unlock on the 1st of each month.

However, if you wish to override this system, you can do. Select below to discover how.

I'm a teacher

To allow pupils to play a Gig at a different time, or more frequently, you can visit Stats > choose class from left list > Gig. Here you can select 'Enable Gig on Next Log In' for one or multiple pupils.

I'm using a family or tutor account

Go to 'Users', tap their name, tap 'Set Tables' and press the 'Enable Gig on Next Log In' button.

Question order

Questions progress through our preferred order of teaching the tables by starting with ten questions on the 10× table, then moving through the 2×, 5×, 3×, 4x, etc. up to the 12× table.

Since every Gig follows the same approach for every player, the data is useful for tracking progress over time.

Data from the Gig

To view Gig results visit Stats > choose class from left list > Gig.

Baseline - first Gig

The first time a player completes a Gig, we think of that as their 'baseline', their starting point.

Checks - monthly Gigs thereafter

With the first Gig (the baseline) complete, every Gig thereafter can be thought of as a 'Check' - a score to compare against their baseline or most recent Gig.

More than a score out of 100

Each Gig gives you and the learner a crude score out of 100 from which to gauge their progress from month to month.

However, there's a lot of depth behind the score out of 100. You and the learner can drill down into the data to see how they did on each question on each table.

Teacher view:

Tip: tap on a pupil's name to get the breakdown of each Gig.

Player view:

Players can see their own Gig performance by going to Stats > Gigs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can the Gig only involve certain tables?

To keep the test standardised to allow for progress monitoring, Gigs have to be more or less the same each time and, therefore, cannot be customised.

Can I delete a Gig score?

You can! Simply follow these steps to delete a Gig score.

Go to Stats > Choose Class > Gigs > Select pupil > tap the bin icon

My learners are beginners at the tables; how will they cope with the 12s?

Gigs start with the 10s, which is usually a comfortable place for novices to begin. The questions move on to table after table at the pace of the child. In all likelihood, a beginner at the tables will not get much beyond the 3s during a 5-minute Gig. In summary, there's a low chance of them reaching the 12s.

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