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Game Log - which games have my students played?
Game Log - which games have my students played?
Helen Newies avatar
Written by Helen Newies
Updated over 4 months ago

You may want to know the exact games a student has played on TT Rock Stars.

With the Stats bolt-on, you can do just that!

Teacher view of Game Log

Click Stats

Choose your class

Click Effort tab

Click the calendar icon beside a student's name as shown below:

This will bring up a Game Log showing every game played by that student:

Here is a zoomed-in image of the Game Log on the right:

Important: Is the "Time Played" column blank? Don't worry, the time your student spent playing is still recorded and counts towards their total and average minutes played. On occasion, our system takes some time to update after a game has been played, or it may not be able to calculate the exact number of seconds. In this case a "-" will be shown instead of the number of seconds.

You can use the filter button (top right) to filter by game type and by date range:

Student view of Game Log

Students can see their own Game Log.

First, they choose "My Stats" from the menu.

Then, they can see their full game log to the right of their calendar:

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