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Sleep well when you travel
Sleep well when you travel

Simple tips which will help you prepare for restful nights away from home

Mickey Beyer-Clausen avatar
Written by Mickey Beyer-Clausen
Updated over 6 years ago

It can be difficult to sleep while traveling. Jet lag is one obvious challenge, but there are other pitfalls and challenges for you to contend with as you undertake your journey and explore the world. Below are some simple tips which will help you prepare for restful nights away from home.

Follow the Timeshifter advice as much as possible

Don't worry. We will tell you exactly what to do and when to do it. You don't have to do everything perfectly, but the more you do, the less jet lag you will experience.

Don’t overindulge in food and drink

Travel often goes hand-in-hand with indulgence when it comes to food and drink – it’s a fun part of the travel experience. By all means, enjoy yourself, but just don’t go overboard. Alcohol may help you fall asleep more quickly, but alcohol consumption too close to bedtime can lead to shallow, restless sleep. Do your best to keep alcohol consumption moderate. If you can, alternate each alcoholic drink with a glass of water.

Eat at the right time

Hunger can keep you from falling asleep and staying asleep, but eating heavily close to bedtime can interfere with both the quality and quantity of your rest. 

Be physically active

Staying active can help speed the transition of your body clock and make you more prepared to sleep at your new bedtime. Your trip is not the time to begin a new and intense exercise regimen, but look to stay physically active throughout your travels in ways you’re used to. 

Avoid exercise within three to four hours before bedtime as it can stimulate the mind and energize the body in ways that interfere with sleep.

Unwind before bed

Choose a relaxing activity, such as taking a warm shower or reading a book, to put you into sleep mode. If you read, choose an old-fashioned book instead of an e-reader as some e-readers emit light that can stimulate your brain and keep you awake. Skip TV and computer games before bedtime as well – those activities can also be too stimulating.

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