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What you need to know about when to nap and for how long.

Jacob Ravn avatar
Written by Jacob Ravn
Updated over a year ago

Try your best to nap, even if it's only for a short time. Make sure your bedroom is cool, quiet, dark, and comfortable. We recommend you use a sleep mask and earplugs. Remember to turn off your phone and set an alarm to wake you up.

When you are advised to nap you should maximize as much as possible within the time window the app indicates, even if it is an optional nap.

For a Power Nap, aiming for at least 20 minutes is suggested. If you can manage longer, napping in 90-minute intervals like 1.5 or 3 hours will be beneficial.

I can’t nap at this time. What do I do?
Try your best to take a nap at the recommended time, even if you can’t sleep for the whole time.

What happens if I don’t take this nap?
You may feel sleepier. Be careful if you drive, and give yourself extra time to complete important tasks. Avoid tasks that require a high level of concentration and alertness.

The science

Naps slow down the build-up of 'sleep pressure' — one of the factors affecting your sleepiness and sleep. Even a short nap can be effective in reducing your sleep pressure.

When timed correctly, naps will help you reduce sleepiness and improve your performance.

Under some circumstances, it can also help you stay awake later so you can go to sleep at your normal bed time.

Finally, naps also prevent light exposure (you close your eyes when you nap) and are sometimes scheduled to help you reset your circadian clock more quickly.

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