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Creating properties
Updated over 10 months ago

Properties help you categorize your calendar entries and describe your activities to ease reporting. You can create custom properties and leverage the flexibility of options to suit your exact needs.




Add text data. Great for quick notes, reminders or symbols.


Store numbers. These can be prices or quantity. Great for tracking pay rates of billable hours.


Choose one option from a select list. Useful for categorizing your calendar entries with pre-defined, single choice options.

Multi select

Choose one or more options from a multi select list. Ideal for cases where more than one option can be necessary.

Tree select, "tag"

Creates a hierarchical tree structure with the option of having multiple parent tags and child tags under each parent tag. Perfect for categorizing information in multi level format, such as product categories, georgraphical regions or org chart.


A simple yes/no property. Users can check or uncheck the box, making it suitable for binary choices like done/not done.


Assign a score to your entry. Useful for evaluating importance or usefulness of a given calendar entry.

Creating properties

1. Go to the properties page and select "Create new property".

2. Choose the property type.

3. Name the property and decide if you want to share it with your team.

5. Click "Create," and you're done!

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