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What is tl;dv?

tl;dv = Too long; didn’t view 😉 Find out what it can do.

Suellen Lorga avatar
Written by Suellen Lorga
Updated over a month ago

With tl;dv You can record, transcribe, AI summarize, and share your meetings instantly. Welcome to the new meeting culture! ✌️

What does it mean?

We all know tl;dr (Too long; didn't read) but what on earth is tl;dv? Check out what The Urban Dictionary has to say:

What does tl;dv do?

🎥 tl;dv is an AI-powered meeting assistant, that works with Google Meet, Zoom & Microsoft Teams to automatically record, and transcribe your meetings, so you can focus on running the show.

✨The real magic happens after a meeting has been recorded. tl;dv uses AI to summarize key points (automatically or based on templates you create), giving you rapid insights and the perfect way to share your meeting highlights:

Pro tip: Pull the best moments from multiple meetings and collate them into a shareable Reel.

🍒 The cherry on top is what you can do with all your meetings in one place:

  • Search for topics discussed during meetings to instantly find any discussion related to the keyword.

  • Apply your own custom AI prompts to your entire library and generate a summary of insights, commonalities and trends from across multiple meetings:

🤔 So, how do you host your meetings?

For a guide to getting started, just pick your provider. 👇

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