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R|Trader Plug-in for Market Data
Updated over a year ago

🛑Trade Reports are processed between 3:10pm-5pm CT, and any purchases made during this time may experience a delay in account creation. If you purchased a Reset or Trading Combine during this 3:10pm-5pm CT timeframe, please wait until after 6pm CT to see if your account or credentials are available. If the account isn't available after that time, please contact the Trader Support Team. 🛑

Are you trying to log in to R|Trader Pro and receiving an error message that says, "You have maxed out on the number of sessions?"

Let's first talk about why you are receiving this error: Your market data subscription, which is provided to you through your Topstep Trading Combine subscription, Express Funded Account, or Live Funded Account, has a limit to the number of sessions or instances you can access at any time. For example, you cannot use your Trading Combine credentials to log into multiple NinjaTrader platforms on different computers simultaneously.

The good news is that the CME has stated that apps that plug into other platforms are configurable to count as one instance. R|Trader Pro is one of Topstep’s supported platforms that fall into this category. Other Topstep-supported platforms, such as NinjaTrader, Jigsaw, Multi Charts ATAS, MotiveWave, Bookmap, and Investor R/T, can plug into R|Trader Pro and should only account for one instance.

Each supported platform using a Rithmic Data feed will have its own unique settings to enable R|Trader Pro for "Plug-in mode". Below are instructions on how to enable NinjaTrader.

Logging into RTrader Pro for NinjaTrader steps:

  1. Download RTrader Pro from the following link: R|Trader Pro (Version or above)

  2. Launch RTrader and enter your Topstep account credentials. These are found in your email with the subject line 'Account Credentials' or 'Account Credentials and Billing Information'. Your personal NinjaTrader account username and password are set by you, not provided by Topstep, and will not be entered on the R|TraderPro Login screen. Your Rithmic username is all lowercase and the password is six characters, all uppercase beginning with 'TST___'.

  3. Select TopstepTrader as the System & Chicago Area as the Gateway as shown in the two screenshots below. You must do this twice, on both the top and bottom menu options.

  4. Make sure Orders is [ON] (if not, click to switch it on)

  5. Make sure Market Data is [ON] (if not, click to switch it on)

  6. Click Allow Plug-ins so it's switched to [ON]

  7. Take a moment to make sure your login screen matches the one below:

    • ✅Rithmic User ID & Password are entered correctly twice

    • ✅System set to TopstepTrader twice

    • ✅Gateway set to ChicagoArea twice

    • ✅Market Data is [ON]

    • ✅Allow Plugins is [ON]

  8. Once you've confirmed your setup is correct, close down any open NinjaTrader sessions you have before clicking 'Login'. RTrader must be set up correctly BEFORE NinjaTrader is open, so make sure to start R|Trader first and have it running for NinjaTrader to be able to connect.

  9. When all NinjaTrader sessions are logged out and closed down, click 'Login'

  10. Now re-open up the NinjaTrader platform and click on the Connections tab.

    • Click Configure

    • The Connection Options menu will pop up:

    • Click Rithmic for NinjaTrader Brokerage

    • Click Add

    • Click My Rithmic for NinjaTrader Brokerage

    • Connection Name: TopstepTrader

    • Check Connect on Start-Up

    • Username, type: (found in Account Information email/Trader Dashboard)

    • Password, type: (found in Account Information email/Trader Dashboard)

    • System: TopstepTrader

    • Enable Plug-in for market data

    • Click Apply

    • Click OK

    • Close Account Connection Set-Up window

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